Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to use your story as a powerful coaching tool for your clients with Coach and Serial Entrepreneur Bridie Walker

Now, a lot of the time when someone tells me they want to write a book about their life story I tell them that no one cares — because most of the time it’s true. 


But if you’ve got significant life transformation that lays the groundwork for helping others do the same? 


Well, now you’ve got yourself a book that will sell.


So how do you take what you’ve been through and have worked to overcome and turn it into a powerful coaching tool? No one can show you the ropes better than Bridie Walker. 


Bridie was a teen mum who felt written-off and labeled as someone who wouldn’t make much of herself. But she decided to do something different.


She busted through all expectations and now has a coaching practice, her program Unstoppable, and her new book, Unstoppable: How to Silence Your Self-Doubt and Turn Up Your Power, just published on July 2nd. 


Bridie is basically a model student when it comes to taking her story and turning it into a book funnel that will bring new people looking for life transformation straight to her door. 


Bridie came on this episode of The AUTHORity Show to share a bit of her journey, as well as how she navigated the book writing and publishing process.


Tune in to this episode to be inspired not only by all Bridie has conquered in life, but also how she took everything she’s been through and used it as a springboard to help others.


Trust me, you’re going to be inspired beyond belief.


If you want to find out more about Bridie you can visit her website or buy Unstoppable now and be sure to send her some love on Insta!


When you’re done, be sure to hit me up @jessicakillingley and tell me how you plan to use your story to help others, then it’s time to figure out your next step.


Here are the highlights: 

{4:31} Unstoppable 

{7:26} When life feels like The Truman Show 

{8:58} Everybody has a story 

{11:43} Ripping off the 'failure' label 

{16:36} Books are like tattoos... one is never enough 

{18:44} Taking action and writing a book 

{23:10} Getting feedback 

{26:20} Building a 12 month marketing plan 

{29:18} Helping readers start their own journey 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to Make Sure Your Book is Actually Making You Some Money with Ads Expert & Funnel Queen Jackie Muscat

We are closing out this little mini series all about book funnels with the GOOD STUFF...


We all know that Facebook ads are an important part of your book funnel, but it’s not just about what you put into an ad that makes it work. There’s a multitude of underlying pieces that will be instrumental in the success of your ads that you simply can’t ignore.


So how do you write Facebook ads that are effective and help propel your people through each step of your book funnel? There’s no better person to ask than Jackie Muscat.


Jackie is queen bee when it comes to all things Facebook ads, but I’m not just talking about the process of setting them up. She digs deep into the messaging behind the ads, because she knows that’s the foundation of what makes them so effective.


I couldn’t wait to bring Jackie on The AUTHORity Show to talk about all the details that go into the process because whether you’re just starting out, or are seasoned in your business, she’s got the insider view to help you make your ads as effective as possible.


Time to dive in, but be prepared to take notes because you do not want to miss out on the countless gems she’s sharing. It’s pure gold, I tell you.


When you’ve finished listening, be sure to hit us up on Instagram @jessicakillingley and @jackie.muscat and let us know what your biggest ‘oh shit’ moment was so we can celebrate you getting unstuck with you.


If you want to check out how Jackie could help YOU, then be sure to visit  her website www.jackiemuscat.com

And get yourself inside her Lead Machine membership pronto!



Missed out on the other Book Funnel eps? Then make sure you go back to episode 35 and binge them all!

Here are the highlights: 

{2:56} The many faces of Jackie Muscat 

{7:55} Book funnels 101 

{12:01} You need to know what your objective is 

{17:03} Freebies and entry points 

{23:54} Using memberships in your funnel 

{30:48} You have to bring something different 

{33:30} A more sophisticated marketplace 

{38:13} Understand your clients' USP 

{44:31} Get to the gold 

{49:03} Stop underselling yourself 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

Drive High Ticket Sales [Book Funnel Mini Series]

Well, here we are at the final episode of our book funnel mini-series and I’ve saved the best for last. Today we’re talking high-ticket, baby! (It’s always my favorite subject.)


So far, we’ve looked at WTF a book funnel actually is, how it can grow your membership, and how you can use it to sell digital products. While all of these are fantastic, I have one unspoken goal for all of my clients, and that’s to make back their investment (at the very least). 

As much as I’d love for them to do that with book sales or $200 workshops, they’ll get the most bang for their buck when they are able to get clients to invest in high-ticket offers.

That's why in this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’ll cover what a high-ticket item looks like, why clients might choose it over other offers, and why these types of experiences can go for a larger investment. 

Then you will have heard every episode and will have everything you need to set up your book funnel the way you want to set it up. You can include one thing, a few of them, or if it strikes your fancy, you can use them all.


Just be sure to hang around until the end because there’s an added bonus that will round out our book funnel series — you won’t want to miss it.


Tune in and when you’re done, come find me on Instagram @jessicakillingley and let me know how you plan to use your book funnel.

Here are the highlights:
{2:11} Why would someone take up a high ticket offer?
{4:10} The importance of maximising PR on launch
{5:47} A high ticket solves a higher percentage of the problem
{7:51} Make the biggest impact you can
{10:42} Think a little differently
{12:46} The journey doesn't stop on publication day

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to Use Your Book to Grow Your Membership [Book Funnel Mini Series]

Last week I started talking to you about why a book funnel is key for growing your business. So if you haven’t yet listened to that episode, you’re going to want to start there.

This week I’m continuing on that rant from the next angle, which is how your book can be extremely effective in growing your membership program. And if you don’t have a membership program yet, then that’s all the more reason you should give this episode a listen.

A membership can become that next part of the journey for your readers, because it helps them integrate and implement what they’ve learned in your book. It gives them a space to come together with others who understand, so they can get the support they need to make your solution a part of their daily lives.

In this episode, I’ll be going over the pros and cons of having a membership, and how you can connect your membership with your book. We’ll also cover a few reasons a membership program may not be ideal for you depending on how you help others. 

But be sure to hear me out, because for most people it’s one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways that you can scale and grow your business.

Tune in to this episode of The AUTHORity Show for all the details. And if you want to hear an inspiring story about someone who’s crushing it in the membership world, check out this previous episode with Faye Cornhill’s story. You can even follow her @fayecornhill if you like.

And if you’re ready to take things a step further and start planning out your book, there are several ways I can help you do that. Check out the options then pick your poison and let’s get you started.


Here are the highlights: 

{2:17} Create a space for your readers to come together 

{3:16} Memberships add the how to the why & what 

{6:10} Memberships are not always a good idea 

{9:05} Make sure your messaging works 

{11:49} The allure of exclusivity 

{12:45} Using your book as a perk of membership 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

WTF is a Book Funnel? [Book Funnel Mini Series]

Today we are going to be taking about book funnels, and over the next three episodes we're going to talk about how your book can be a funnel into different kinds of offers. 

We're going to look at how your book can grow your membership, how you can use your book with digital products, like group programs and online courses, and then how you can use your book for high ticket things like one-to-one or masterminds or retreat style events.  

On this episode we're just going to look at what a book funnel is and why it's important. You want your book to turn readers into clients because that's where you start making some serious change from it. 

Here are the highlights from this episode: 

{4:00} What is a book funnel? 

{6:44} Scaling a business is about working the funnel 

{8:40} A book is not a static object 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

What to do to Get Yourself 'Book Ready

You wouldn’t want to pour your blood, sweat, and tears into a book that ends up gathering dust on a bookshelf, would you? Well, I wouldn’t want that for you either. That’s why I’m so passionate about sharing with you the importance of book funnels.

But it’s so damned important that I’m actually going to talk about it on not just one podcast, but four of them. You might want to grab some popcorn and consider it your very own gripping mini-series to follow.

Now if you’re sitting there thinking, ‘Sounds great, Jessica, but WTF is a book funnel?’ then you’re in the right place at the right time, because you’re about to find out.

You see, a book funnel is the thing that takes the slow drip of people coming your way and turns it into a steady stream. The trick is that you can’t wait until you’ve written the book to figure out how the funnel will work. That’s like putting the cart before the horse.

Instead, you’ve got to know the outcome you want from your book before you even start it. It’s got to be baked right into your book from day one for it to actually work.


On this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’m going to give you the ins and outs of what a book funnel is and why it’s the cornerstone you need as you’re getting your book idea off the ground.


Tune in then hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingley and let me know how this helped you get a step closer to getting started on your book. Bonus points if you’re ready for me to help.

Here are the highlights from this episode:

{3:32} Collecting the data, aka 'the big old brain dump'
{5:41} Fleshing out the content
{8:21} Understanding and adapting to your audience
{10:07} Refining your research

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

Should you turn your signature programme into a book

A lot of coaches and course creators really wonder if they should consider turning their signature coaching program into a book. So I turned to my Instagram stories to ask my people if they wanted to know more about it.

The response was a huge, resounding YES.

Now I could just hit you up with a huge spoiler and say if you want to know if you should do it, the answer is a big, fat yes.


While that would be short and sweet, it certainly wouldn’t make a good podcast.


Instead, I’m handing you five brilliant reasons why it’s not only a good idea, but they also help support why you should absolutely consider it. 


I’ll even give you tips on how to know if now isn’t quite the right time for you. But even if it’s not, you’ll know when your time comes.


Tune in to this episode of The AUTHORity Show and if you’re smart, you’ll stick around to the end because that’s when I’ll sneak in a bonus reason to seal the deal. It will be worth it — promise


Want extra help in making this work for you? Hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingely and we’ll take a look at how we can turn your signature program into a book people will read, then want to come work with you.


Ready to invest in making that happen? You have until the end of May to book a VIP day with me and get three FREE additional 1:1 calls worth £1,800 to make sure you take action on all the magic we create. Interested? Read all about it here

Here are the highlights from this episode:

{4:10} Why it's a good idea to write a book that covers what you do in your signature program

{6:42} Your book showcases how good you are

{8:06} How your book is that entry-level way of helping them understand that that transformation is possible for them

{9:16} Your book as a really effective sales funnel

{10:24} Your book makes your work more accessible

{11:30} When it's not right to make your programme into a book

{13:10} Can you write a book about your course, without giving everything away?

{17:45} How your book gets readers mentally ready and prepared to get the most benefit when they join your course

{21:07} Writing your book will make your programme better

{22:09} Are you leaving money on the table?

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to sit down and get the damn book written

you’ve done the planning and the outlining for your book, but haven’t written a word yet. You know it’s go time, but why does it feel so damn difficult?


You sit down to write, but all you end up doing is staring at a blank page. Next thing you know, you’re filling your schedule with other tasks that have nothing to do with writing your book, then think, ‘Look at that. I’ve got no time to write.


Spoiler alert: if you keep that up, you’ll never write the damn thing.


So how do you get started? What’s the best way to stop dicking around so you can finally get some words on the page?


That’s what we’re talking about on this episode of The AUTHORity Show. I’ve got three killer strategies that are sure to move you out of self-sabotage mode so you can go ahead and write the damn book already.


Tune in and take notes because I don’t just want you to hear the tips I’m giving you — you’ve got to apply them. Hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingley and let me know which one is the hardest for you and commit to me what you plan to do about it!

Want to get £1,800 worth of free 1:1 coaching with me? If you book a VIP day before the end of May then you get 3 free follow up calls to keep you on track and make sure that damn book is getting written! Check it out here! 

Here are the highlights from this episode:

{1:34} The Hollywood view of what it's like to write a book

{3:04} Unsexy discipline

{3:54} Adopting the identity of an author

{4:32} Creating the desk of an author

{6:10} Blocking time out to write

{8:08} Your detailed chapter breakdown is your BFF

{9:53} How structure creates the space for creativity

{11:55} Dealing with resistance

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to get your first 50 reviews

So you may think you’ve arrived when you’re given that little orange bestseller banner on Amazon, but the reality is you can achieve that just by hacking their algorithm. If you really want to measure how well your marketing is working, stop focusing on your chart position, because it just doesn’t matter all that much.

So what does matter? 


Your book’s reviews are really the only thing that matters, in my opinion. Because when you have good reviews, it tells you two things: you wrote a good book and you’ve been intentional about your marketing.

It means you’ve done the work to write a book that is powerful in helping change others’ lives, but also that you are also keeping the momentum going to get an even farther reach to bring new people into your world. 

I mean, that’s why you wrote the book after all, right?!

On today’s episode of The AUTHORity Show, we’ll talk about why reviews matter so much, and I’ll share step-by-step strategies that will help you get your first 50 5-star reviews. 

Give it a listen, then go out and get yourself some reviews, then come back to tell me about it. 

If you’ve already had some beautiful 5-star reviews, share them with me. I love seeing them and celebrating with you, but they’re also a good way to remind yourself that the hard work you put in was all worth it.

Here are the highlights from this episode:

{3:35} Continually growing your audience while writing your book

{4:04} Why book reviews are so important

{7:19} Getting early readers from clients, super fans, and those who appear as case studies in your book

{10:30} Reminding your early readers to review your book

{11:54} Thanking your early reviewers

{13:17} Running a competition to encourage sales and reviews

{16:55} Feeling validation for your book

{19:07} Mediocre reviews and how to deal with them

{21:49} Coming up next week


Want some help mapping this all out? Did you know that we can get all this sorted in double quick time? That's right - one whole day with me is going to work magic on your book. Find out more about a VIP day with me over here

Want some FREE help to get started? Then download my free mini training on how to find the time to just Write the Damn Book already! 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

Why getting your book traditionally published isn't necessarily the route to market

So you have your mind set on getting your book traditionally published, do you? You envision some big publishing company reading your book, beaming with pride as they tell you how amazing your book is, then having it show up as a bestseller instantly.

The thing is, that’s not how it usually goes. Traditional publishing is a very slow, long, drawn-out process, and the end result might not look exactly like you think it will.

Don’t get me wrong — traditional publishing has its place and that’s where a lot of my experience lies. But you’ve got to make sure you are approaching that route to market for the right reasons, because if you don’t, it will be massively underwhelming and the outcome might not look the way you think it should.

On this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’m giving you an inside look at traditional publishing by way of a snippet from my course, The AUTHORity Blueprint. That way you can weigh the options and decide whether it’s the best way for you to get your book into the hands of your readers.

And if you’re interested in participating in The AUTHORity Blueprint, while the live session is closed, the self-study option is ready and waiting for you right here.


Here are the highlights from this episode:


{2:12} Getting a literary agent

{4:46} What publishing houses care about

{5:23} A publisher doesn’t do everything for you

{9:53} The sliding scales of publishing

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to get your book planned out in a day

If you’ve ever uttered the words, ‘I don’t know where to start with my book’ or ‘I don’t have time to write it,’ you’re going to want to listen up. The reality is, you don’t have to spend days upon days or weeks on end getting yourself prepared and ready to write your book.


How do you get started? Well, your most brilliant option is to schedule a VIP Day with me and we’ll get it all done. 

But if you’re not quite ready for that, you can listen in to this episode of The AUTHORity Show and we’ll do an imaginary one together to get you going.

So what does that look like? Other than enjoying some coffee and scenery, we’ll take it step by step and go through...


  • Mapping

  • Brainstorming

  • Outlining

  • Chapter breakdown


And just like that you’ll go from not knowing where the hell to start to being ready to write your first draft — all in a single day.


So when you’re telling yourself you don’t have the time to write a book, this exercise proves that’s a complete load of bollocks (but we already knew that, didn’t we?). 


And maybe you actually didn’t know where to start, but now you do.


Ready to get all the details during our imaginary VIP Day together? Then grab a cup of tea and tune in to this episode to hear in more detail how we’ll work together to get a plan in place for your book.


And if you want the real VIP experience,  you can still schedule it with me. We’ll meet in person, if you’ll be in the UK, or we can meet virtually from anywhere. Just tap here  and let’s get it in your diary.

Here are the highlights from this episode:

{2:11} The two things I'll tease out from you first

{4:01} Time to map out what your book is really about

{4:32} Brainstorming for your book

{5:11} What are the steps that you would take someone through in a coaching situation

{6:33} Outlining your book

{7:03} Deciding on your chapter breakdown

{8:44} Scheduling in your writing sessions

{8:55} 'Not having the time is something that you say to cover up the fact that you don't know what to do'.

{9:44} What to do the next time you tell yourself you don't know where to start or you don't have the time to write your book

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How not to come up with your book title

So you’ve got this great book title in your head and you’re really excited about it. It wakes you from your dreams and you can’t help but smile while appreciating just how amazing it is.

Here’s the thing, though: That title that’s got you so enamoured won’t be the one you end up using with your book. 

Why? Because if you don’t even know what the book content will become, how can you possibly accurately name the thing?

In this episode of The AUTHORity Show I’ll give you a quick pep talk on how having your book title in place before writing can be both good and bad for you. 

I’ll also give you a tidbit of advice on what will determine the final title of your book — after it’s written.

Have questions about how to come up with your book title? Come find me on Instagram @jessicakillingley and let’s have a chat about it!


Here are the highlights from the episode:

{1:57} How having a working title for your book can give you a focus

{3:19} Your book title is often one of the last things you'll do in creating your book

{5:27} Where the book cover and subtitle come in

{6:26} How not to cling to your book title

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How writing a coaching book makes you a better coach with Master Coach Trainer Ruth Kudzi

If we’re being honest, by now I’ve given you enough reasons to drop the excuses and write your bloody book already — it brings you new leads, helps you get clear on your process, and the list goes on, really.


But if you still need convincing, I’ve got yet another reason for you. 


(This one’s a doozy.)


It makes you a better YOU.


I could tell you how that works, but the truth is that no one can explain it to you better than my friend, Ruth Kudzi, can.


Ruth decided to write her book for all the right reasons — she wanted to share her experience and expertise with the world around her, but she also wanted to get really clear on her own process and how she uses it to help others.


But what Ruth didn’t expect was that while writing a personal development book for others, she’d find herself diving deeper into her own personal development journey, too.


Writing her book, ‘Is This It?: The Smart Woman’s Guide To Finding Work You Love’, has helped others, but it’s made her a better Master Coach as well. Definitely a lovely bonus tacked on to all the other benefits.


In this episode of The AUTHORity Show, Ruth gives us a behind-the-scenes view of how much writing a book to help change others can change you, too.


When you’re finished, hit me up @jessicakillingley and let me know which part made you sit up and say, ‘Well, shit, Jessica...I think it’s time I finally write the damn book’. 


And if you want to work 1:1 with me to get it started, let’s get you scheduled for a VIP Day with me soon.


Here are the highlights from the episode:

{8:28} Why Ruth wrote her first book, 'Is Ths It?' and how it helped her get clarity on her coaching methodology

{12:05} How writing her first book helped Ruth to see her work as valuable

{15:47} How her first book made Ruth realise she hadn't been playing big enough in her business

{17:53} How coach training is amazing personal development

{19:55} How the second book took longer than the first book to write

{26:26} How the book and personal development helped get Ruth out of 'react mode' in her business


Want to connect with Ruth? 



Facebook group

Coaching Certification

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

My book's just come out - How do I get people to buy it?' and other dumb questions about marketing

So many people put a ridiculous amount of blood, sweat, and tears into the writing part of writing a book, but forget to even think about how they plan to sell it. Then the day it hits the shelves, they panic.


They plead with me, ‘Jessica, my book's just come out —  how do I get people to buy it?'


Then they scramble and it’s just a whole lot harder than it really needs to be.


I mean, you don’t write a book just to write a book. You write a book so people will READ it.


But if you want that to happen, you’ve got to start thinking about marketing from the get-go. You need to be aware of...


  • 3 key phases of marketing your book

  • 4 questions to build your marketing around

  • 3 groups of people you’re marketing to


Because here’s the thing: selling books is hard.


I wish I had a magic bullet or perfect formula that can guarantee you’ll sell thousands of books each month. It just doesn’t exist. 


What I can give you is a series of strategies that will set you up for the best possible shot at selling as many copies as possible.


Tune in to this episode of The AUTHORity Show, where I’m sharing the key points you need to be thinking about when you start planning out your book, so you can be ready to get it into the hands of your readers the very moment it launches.


Here are the highlights from this episode:

{2:29} How you're missing out if you leave your marketing to the eleventh hour

{3:08} Why you need to think about selling your book before you write it

{5:22} Creating your North Star

{7:42} The 4 phases of marketing your book

{9:09} Why you should work on the phases in the order I recommend

{12:32} Being really clear on the objectives for your book


Want to take some of the work most people spend weeks doing on their book and get it done in a matter of hours? That may sound too good to be true, but you absolutely can if you spend the day with me.


I have a very limited number of VIP Days 1:1 slots available for us to spend together structuring your book. We can meet virtually or in person (if you’re in the UK, that is). Click here for more details!

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to make money road testing the content of your book

In my line of work,  I hear a lot of “reasons” as to why coaches and course creators aren’t ready to write a book and I could go on for days about it. But there are two that I hear quite often: 


  1. They don’t want to take time away from their business to write

  2. They don’t have the money it takes to make it happen.


The good news is, I have a solution to nix both of them.

I’m giving you the lowdown on an experiment that gives you a foundation for your coaching program or course, but also for your book. It can generate revenue to help fund the publishing process, but also gives you the opportunity to road test your content and get great feedback from your people, too.

All before your book ever goes on sale.

On this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’ll tell you how writing your book alongside your business can actually help you write the right book, but also provide valuable feedback, testimonies, and revenue along the way.


Give it a listen, then if you want help with your book (finally), send me a DM and let’s chat...


Let 2021 be the year you finally write your book.


Here are the highlights:

{3:23} How it's never just about the book

{4:56} Starting with the end in mind

{6:16} How outlining is such a valuable step in your book journey

{7:49} Starting to map out your coaching programme

{9:06} Putting your beta programme together

{10:19} Pricing your beta programme

{13:29} Road testing your material and getting live feedback


What if I told you that you could take some of the work that most people spend weeks doing on their book, and get it done in a matter of hours? Sounds too good to be true? Well not if you come and spend the day with me so we can work on getting your book structured together. 


I have a limited number of 1:1 VIP day slots available - either virtual or for those in the UK, in person from the end of May at a beautiful luxury 5 star hotel just 20m from central london. 


During the course of the day we will get your book planned and outlined, so will you leave, ready to start your first draft, knowing exactly what your book needs to cover in order to make a big impact in your business. 


So if you want to put your foot on the gas and save a massive amount of time in getting the RIGHT book written, click here to  find out more. But remember, places are limited so turn that 'hmmm, maybe' into a yes before it's too late!

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How are you showing up in your business?

So let me ask you a question: What type of coach are you


Through the course of working with many brilliant authors, I’ve identified two types of coaches playing the game: the Invisible Coach and the Authority Coach.  


Both are vastly different in how they show up and serve, but the effect of which one you choose to be goes much deeper than that — in fact, it can change the entire outcome of your business. 


On this episode of The AUTHORity Show I’m giving you the low-down on what each type looks like (and how it affects your business) so you can figure out which you are and decide if that’s the kind you want to be — then you can shift gears where needed.


So how do you figure out if you’re invisible or an authority?


A few telltale questions can help, like...

  • Do I shrink back and hide or do my best to stand out?

  • Am I holding back out of fear of judgment or do I show up as undeniably me?

  • Is my vision short-term or am I focused on playing the long game?


Each of your answers plays into whether you’ll be busting your ass on that damn never-ending hamster wheel or if you’ll be smart and let your book do the heavy lifting for you.


Bottom line: do you want to be just a face in the crowd, or do you want to be the one people look for in the crowd? 


You’ve got two options to choose from that will each lead you on a different path, so my recommendation is to choose wisely.


Give this episode a listen, then hit me up on IG @jessicakillingley and let me know which type you’re choosing to be. And if you pick the right one and are ready to get your book off the ground, let me know you’re ready for my help.


Here are the highlights from this episode:

{2:59} How we have a choice about how we show up in our businesses

{4:43} Understanding the power of the word 'yet'

{7:12} What happens when you don't have a USP and you're an 'invisible coach'

{11:32} What you need to have in place to have a successful business.

{12:31} The importance of self-belief

{15:28 Figuring out your methodology and your USP for the person you want to be in the future.

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

Real coaches share their book writing journey

So you’re finally ready to write your book, but don’t really know what to expect from the journey? It’s not just you, my friend. No one really knows what it looks like until they’re on the other side.


So what better way to get an insider look on what to expect than to hear it straight from someone who’s actually done it? 


Well, you could hear it from four of them.


On this episode of The AUTHORity Show, we’ll chat with four of my clients who are well on their way to getting their book published and into the hands of their eager readers. 


They’ll talk about what they expected (and what they didn’t) and give you a close-up view of what this journey actually looked like for them.


I need to mention I didn’t tell them to do what I say because I’m always right (even though I am), but they all did because they knew that the best way to set themselves up for success is to get help from someone who’s been there.


And after 20+ years in the publishing industry, let’s face it...I have.


Tune in and listen to their stories, in their words, about how they moved through this process and survived to get to the other side.  


If you're ready to take action and get your book written (well, I say ready ... you're never going to feel ready!) then you have a very small amount of time to get yourself inside The AUTHORity Blueprint programme before enrolment closes. Come and check out how it's going to help you get a bestselling, business-building book out into the world! 



Here are the highlights from the episode:

{2:03} Natalie Komis - https://www.instagram.com/nataliakomis/

{7:36} Chaya Mistry - https://www.instagram.com/chayabava/

{11:56} Rhiannon Spurgeon - https://www.instagram.com/rhibetuesday/

{17:34} Cathy Wassell - https://www.instagram.com/cathywassell/

{24:09} All about The Authority Blueprint programme.  - https://jkillmarketing.lpages.co/the-authority-blueprint-sales-page/

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

A sneak peek from inside The Authority Blueprint

So I know you’ve got that burning question...what makes The AUTHORity Blueprint so special? 

Well, that’s easy...I’m the one who wrote it. (lol. Sorry)

That and you’re getting over 20 years of publishing experience wrapped up in a fantastic course, but that’s not all that makes it different.

You see, book writing courses are everywhere. They teach you how to write a book in 30 days (or some other bollocks), then skimp out on all the other things that help make your book a success.

That’s how The AUTHORity Blueprint is different. In it we look at the whole journey from all angles to be certain you write the right book from day one.

But it doesn’t end there, my friend. I’ll walk you through every stage of writing your book and beyond. Because if you don’t know what to do the day after your book launches, well, let’s just say you’re going to be a bit fucked.

Tune into this episode where I’ll give you the lowdown on what to expect in The AUTHORity Blueprint, but I’ll also give you a sneak peak at Chapter One of the Course — Planning.  Just a taste of what’s to come!

Next you’re going to want to hop on over and get your ass on The AUTHORity Blueprint waitlist so you can be the first one to grab your spot when the doors open. Lucky you, because you’ll score some brilliant bonuses, too.

Here are the highlights from the episode:

{2:11} The intentions behind your book
{2:37} Editing your work and getting it published
{2:57} How to make your book work hard for you
{3:38} How I created the programme
{5:29} Sneak peek: How to make your book magnetic
{16:24} How to get on the waiting list for The Authority Blueprint

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

What does writing a bestselling book actually MEAN?

So you want to write a bestselling book, do you? Well, what exactly does that mean

The truth is we all get so hung up on bestsellers, but they’re only deemed so because they’re the tiny percentage of books that sell thousands of copies in a week. 

The thing is, that’s just a benchmark of popularity. So if winning that contest is your goal, then by all means, just go write a “bestselling” book. 

But if you want to write a quality book — one that is useful and actually helps change lives  — then it’s high time we reframe what bestselling actually means.

In this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’m breaking down how you can get your mind in the right place to write a book that’s actually good and positively affects the lives of those who read it. 

We’ll reframe what bestselling means so you can write your book so when it’s done you’ll have the outcome you truly want, because I want that for you.

So give this episode a listen, then if you’re ready to get all the bits in place to get you started with your book, come on over and grab your seat for my upcoming LIVE training series — Uncover Your Bestselling, Business-Building Book that starts February 25th, 2021.

And don’t worry...if you’ve missed the live training, you can always catch it on replay. (You’re welcome.)


Here are the highlights:

{3:31} You don't make money from selling books

{3:46} You don't want to be a bestseller in the way you might think

{4:52} Writing a book that's useful

{7:23} Writing a book that has an impact on people

{9:03} How to get the answers to the most burning questions about writing a book

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

The Steps To Writing A Successful Book

So often we talk about why you need to write a book and how it’s going to benefit you and your business, but we don’t often talk about the actual HOW.  

I mean, it’s not just about the writing, you know.  There’s planning, editing, promoting and beyond.  It’s enough to make your head spin and can be somewhat overwhelming.

The thing is, it doesn’t have to be.

Just like anything else in life, if you have a plan in place, it will make all the necessary bits a lot easier - and faster.  


Here are the highlights from the episode: 


{2:40} Step One - Planning 

{3:40} Step Two - Outlining 

{4:17} Step Three - Structuring 

{5:52} Step Four - Writing your first draft 

{6:41} Step Five - Editing 

{7:28} Step Six - Publishing 

{9:36} Step Seven - PR 

{10:04} Step Eight - Marketing 

{10:28} Step Nine - Launching your book 

{10:51} Step Ten - Monetising 

{12:45} How to access the free training 


Are you ready to write the book that builds your biz? 

One that 10xs your impact so you can help even more people,  leverages your influence so you can be recognised as an authority and increases your income so you can have a business that brings you the freedom and financial flexibility you want?

If that’s a hell yes,  then I want you to come and join me so we can  Uncover Your Bestselling, Business-Building Book!  I am bringing you a three part training that’s your step-by-step blueprint to finally write the book that builds your business and positions you as the go-to expert in your niche (even if you’ve never written a book before, don't have the time, or don’t know what the F to write about) 


And the best part? This three part live training is absolutely free! We get started on the 25th Feb so make sure you are signed up right here and get ready to uncover your bestselling business-building book


Get on the waiting list for my upcoming step by step program, The Authority Blueprint HERE 


Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 

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