How to sit down and get the damn book written

you’ve done the planning and the outlining for your book, but haven’t written a word yet. You know it’s go time, but why does it feel so damn difficult?


You sit down to write, but all you end up doing is staring at a blank page. Next thing you know, you’re filling your schedule with other tasks that have nothing to do with writing your book, then think, ‘Look at that. I’ve got no time to write.


Spoiler alert: if you keep that up, you’ll never write the damn thing.


So how do you get started? What’s the best way to stop dicking around so you can finally get some words on the page?


That’s what we’re talking about on this episode of The AUTHORity Show. I’ve got three killer strategies that are sure to move you out of self-sabotage mode so you can go ahead and write the damn book already.


Tune in and take notes because I don’t just want you to hear the tips I’m giving you — you’ve got to apply them. Hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingley and let me know which one is the hardest for you and commit to me what you plan to do about it!

Want to get £1,800 worth of free 1:1 coaching with me? If you book a VIP day before the end of May then you get 3 free follow up calls to keep you on track and make sure that damn book is getting written! Check it out here! 

Here are the highlights from this episode:

{1:34} The Hollywood view of what it's like to write a book

{3:04} Unsexy discipline

{3:54} Adopting the identity of an author

{4:32} Creating the desk of an author

{6:10} Blocking time out to write

{8:08} Your detailed chapter breakdown is your BFF

{9:53} How structure creates the space for creativity

{11:55} Dealing with resistance


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