How to use your story as a powerful coaching tool for your clients with Coach and Serial Entrepreneur Bridie Walker

Now, a lot of the time when someone tells me they want to write a book about their life story I tell them that no one cares — because most of the time it’s true. 


But if you’ve got significant life transformation that lays the groundwork for helping others do the same? 


Well, now you’ve got yourself a book that will sell.


So how do you take what you’ve been through and have worked to overcome and turn it into a powerful coaching tool? No one can show you the ropes better than Bridie Walker. 


Bridie was a teen mum who felt written-off and labeled as someone who wouldn’t make much of herself. But she decided to do something different.


She busted through all expectations and now has a coaching practice, her program Unstoppable, and her new book, Unstoppable: How to Silence Your Self-Doubt and Turn Up Your Power, just published on July 2nd. 


Bridie is basically a model student when it comes to taking her story and turning it into a book funnel that will bring new people looking for life transformation straight to her door. 


Bridie came on this episode of The AUTHORity Show to share a bit of her journey, as well as how she navigated the book writing and publishing process.


Tune in to this episode to be inspired not only by all Bridie has conquered in life, but also how she took everything she’s been through and used it as a springboard to help others.


Trust me, you’re going to be inspired beyond belief.


If you want to find out more about Bridie you can visit her website or buy Unstoppable now and be sure to send her some love on Insta!


When you’re done, be sure to hit me up @jessicakillingley and tell me how you plan to use your story to help others, then it’s time to figure out your next step.


Here are the highlights: 

{4:31} Unstoppable 

{7:26} When life feels like The Truman Show 

{8:58} Everybody has a story 

{11:43} Ripping off the 'failure' label 

{16:36} Books are like tattoos... one is never enough 

{18:44} Taking action and writing a book 

{23:10} Getting feedback 

{26:20} Building a 12 month marketing plan 

{29:18} Helping readers start their own journey 


How to write from the scar, not the wound — with Rhiannon Spurgeon


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