A sneak peek from inside The Authority Blueprint

So I know you’ve got that burning question...what makes The AUTHORity Blueprint so special? 

Well, that’s easy...I’m the one who wrote it. (lol. Sorry)

That and you’re getting over 20 years of publishing experience wrapped up in a fantastic course, but that’s not all that makes it different.

You see, book writing courses are everywhere. They teach you how to write a book in 30 days (or some other bollocks), then skimp out on all the other things that help make your book a success.

That’s how The AUTHORity Blueprint is different. In it we look at the whole journey from all angles to be certain you write the right book from day one.

But it doesn’t end there, my friend. I’ll walk you through every stage of writing your book and beyond. Because if you don’t know what to do the day after your book launches, well, let’s just say you’re going to be a bit fucked.

Tune into this episode where I’ll give you the lowdown on what to expect in The AUTHORity Blueprint, but I’ll also give you a sneak peak at Chapter One of the Course — Planning.  Just a taste of what’s to come!

Next you’re going to want to hop on over and get your ass on The AUTHORity Blueprint waitlist so you can be the first one to grab your spot when the doors open. Lucky you, because you’ll score some brilliant bonuses, too.

Here are the highlights from the episode:

{2:11} The intentions behind your book
{2:37} Editing your work and getting it published
{2:57} How to make your book work hard for you
{3:38} How I created the programme
{5:29} Sneak peek: How to make your book magnetic
{16:24} How to get on the waiting list for The Authority Blueprint


Real coaches share their book writing journey


What does writing a bestselling book actually MEAN?