How to Make Sure Your Book is Actually Making You Some Money with Ads Expert & Funnel Queen Jackie Muscat

We are closing out this little mini series all about book funnels with the GOOD STUFF...


We all know that Facebook ads are an important part of your book funnel, but it’s not just about what you put into an ad that makes it work. There’s a multitude of underlying pieces that will be instrumental in the success of your ads that you simply can’t ignore.


So how do you write Facebook ads that are effective and help propel your people through each step of your book funnel? There’s no better person to ask than Jackie Muscat.


Jackie is queen bee when it comes to all things Facebook ads, but I’m not just talking about the process of setting them up. She digs deep into the messaging behind the ads, because she knows that’s the foundation of what makes them so effective.


I couldn’t wait to bring Jackie on The AUTHORity Show to talk about all the details that go into the process because whether you’re just starting out, or are seasoned in your business, she’s got the insider view to help you make your ads as effective as possible.


Time to dive in, but be prepared to take notes because you do not want to miss out on the countless gems she’s sharing. It’s pure gold, I tell you.


When you’ve finished listening, be sure to hit us up on Instagram @jessicakillingley and @jackie.muscat and let us know what your biggest ‘oh shit’ moment was so we can celebrate you getting unstuck with you.


If you want to check out how Jackie could help YOU, then be sure to visit  her website

And get yourself inside her Lead Machine membership pronto!


Missed out on the other Book Funnel eps? Then make sure you go back to episode 35 and binge them all!

Here are the highlights: 

{2:56} The many faces of Jackie Muscat 

{7:55} Book funnels 101 

{12:01} You need to know what your objective is 

{17:03} Freebies and entry points 

{23:54} Using memberships in your funnel 

{30:48} You have to bring something different 

{33:30} A more sophisticated marketplace 

{38:13} Understand your clients' USP 

{44:31} Get to the gold 

{49:03} Stop underselling yourself 


How to use your story as a powerful coaching tool for your clients with Coach and Serial Entrepreneur Bridie Walker


Drive High Ticket Sales [Book Funnel Mini Series]