Should you turn your signature programme into a book

A lot of coaches and course creators really wonder if they should consider turning their signature coaching program into a book. So I turned to my Instagram stories to ask my people if they wanted to know more about it.

The response was a huge, resounding YES.

Now I could just hit you up with a huge spoiler and say if you want to know if you should do it, the answer is a big, fat yes.


While that would be short and sweet, it certainly wouldn’t make a good podcast.


Instead, I’m handing you five brilliant reasons why it’s not only a good idea, but they also help support why you should absolutely consider it. 


I’ll even give you tips on how to know if now isn’t quite the right time for you. But even if it’s not, you’ll know when your time comes.


Tune in to this episode of The AUTHORity Show and if you’re smart, you’ll stick around to the end because that’s when I’ll sneak in a bonus reason to seal the deal. It will be worth it — promise


Want extra help in making this work for you? Hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingely and we’ll take a look at how we can turn your signature program into a book people will read, then want to come work with you.


Ready to invest in making that happen? You have until the end of May to book a VIP day with me and get three FREE additional 1:1 calls worth £1,800 to make sure you take action on all the magic we create. Interested? Read all about it here

Here are the highlights from this episode:

{4:10} Why it's a good idea to write a book that covers what you do in your signature program

{6:42} Your book showcases how good you are

{8:06} How your book is that entry-level way of helping them understand that that transformation is possible for them

{9:16} Your book as a really effective sales funnel

{10:24} Your book makes your work more accessible

{11:30} When it's not right to make your programme into a book

{13:10} Can you write a book about your course, without giving everything away?

{17:45} How your book gets readers mentally ready and prepared to get the most benefit when they join your course

{21:07} Writing your book will make your programme better

{22:09} Are you leaving money on the table?


What to do to Get Yourself 'Book Ready


How to sit down and get the damn book written