Here’s the thing about going it alone. It’s perfectly possible (I mean technically there are one or two books that have been written without my help) but it’s slow, creates huge margins for error and that amount of wasted time and effort ends up being expensive in the long run.
It’s also perfectly possible — dare I even say common — to get half way through or more and realise you’ve written the wrong book. Cue wringing of hands and a lot of paper shredding. Or maybe you’ve managed to get through 80,000 words writing down every single fucking thing you know on the subject and then you’re wondering why you only got ten sales and two reviews (one of which is from your mum). Or you’ve written it, published it and then realise the whole thing has left you feeling a bit ‘meh’.
“Jessica does not just help you write a book, she challenges your thinking on why you are in business, who you are (or want to be) and how you can align your mindset to your goals.
She has a brilliant business brain and she had given me the confidence and kick to launch some stuff that I would never have dared to do.
Jessica has an impressive knowledge and experience of the industry and will help you realise your dream business, along with the book you’ve already got inside you.”
Eleanor Tweddell, Author of How Losing Your Job Could Be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You published by Penguin Business
Extraordinary people write exceptional books.
Books that break them through to the next level of impact, influence and income.
Books that leverage their intellectual property to take them out of the crowd and onto both literal and metaphorical stages.
Books that make them the thought leaders of tomorrow.
Books that spread ideas. That bring equity to everyone everywhere getting the help they need and deserve.
If you’re a coach, a consultant or entrepreneur and you care about the impact you’re making, the legacy you’re creating and the people that you are helping AND you have got your eyes on the prize of long term business growth, then I’d really invite you to consider writing a book.
Do you have to have been in business for years and years? No. There’s things that you can be doing now even if you don’t feel ready yet. (Spoiler: you’ll never feel ready. Do it anyway)
Do you already have to have a super clear idea of what you want to write about? Actually No. Helping you get clarity on that is part of my process. (Spoiler: skip this step and you’ll regret it)
Do you need to have at least the foundations of a business? Yes. If you’ve got no interest in helping people outside of the life of your book and no plans to grow any kind of platform or community, then I’m not going to be the person for you.
Just want to write & self-publish your autobiography? In my experience, it can be very hard to sell more than a handful of copies and get traction for it. (Hard, but not impossible - if that’s what you’re feeling called to do, then go for it! But I’m probably not the person for you either).
But want to know how to use your story as a teaching vehicle to help people get tangible results? In that case, pull up a chair because then maybe I AM going to be the person for you (and in the meantime go listen to this podcast episode).
Ways to work with me on your book
The AUTHORity Blueprint is a complete end-to-end programme that teaches you everything you need to know about planning, outlining, writing, editing, publishing, launching and selling your book. It takes you from half-an-idea at the very start all the way through to consistently bringing you clients long after it’s been published.
Everything is covered step-by-step, so there is no overwhelm or confusion about what to do when or how to get it done.
It is entirely self-guided so you can go from start to finish as quickly or as slowly as you like.
If you’re ready to stop telling yourself that writing your book is ‘on the list’ for some time in the future, then I have a place waiting for you.
An Intensive day with me will get your book off to the best possible start.
Whether you’re at the beginning of your journey and want to get it outlined and ready to confidently get started on your first draft; or you’re further into the process and something has got you stuck; or maybe it’s close to publication and you want to look at launch strategy and funnels.
Where ever you’re at, we can spend a concentrated block of time focusing on making sure your book delivers exactly what you hope it will.
Intensives are best suited to non-fiction projects such as personal development books that are designed to amplify your platform or grow your business. They are a full day and can be carried out in London or Hertfordshire. I have very limited availability, so if you’d like to see if it would be a good fit, please get in touch.
Please note that working with me as a consultant in no way guarantees literary representation.
“Don’t think that working with Jessica is just about writing a book. It is - but it’s a lot more than that. She managed to take my mess of a company structure and turn it on its head. I came away from it with a 5 and 10 year plan, a new vision and a real feeling of what was possible. She will call you on your BS and she will tell you when your plan sucks but she is also extremely kind and very generous with her expertise.
She also sends random packets of biscuits. It’s a bit like having a caffeine fuelled, writing ninja in your corner cheering you on.”
Pamela Spence, Medical Herbalist & Writer
Need proof that it’s possible for you?
Check out some people who have already done it…