How to make money road testing the content of your book

In my line of work,  I hear a lot of “reasons” as to why coaches and course creators aren’t ready to write a book and I could go on for days about it. But there are two that I hear quite often: 


  1. They don’t want to take time away from their business to write

  2. They don’t have the money it takes to make it happen.


The good news is, I have a solution to nix both of them.

I’m giving you the lowdown on an experiment that gives you a foundation for your coaching program or course, but also for your book. It can generate revenue to help fund the publishing process, but also gives you the opportunity to road test your content and get great feedback from your people, too.

All before your book ever goes on sale.

On this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’ll tell you how writing your book alongside your business can actually help you write the right book, but also provide valuable feedback, testimonies, and revenue along the way.


Give it a listen, then if you want help with your book (finally), send me a DM and let’s chat...


Let 2021 be the year you finally write your book.


Here are the highlights:

{3:23} How it's never just about the book

{4:56} Starting with the end in mind

{6:16} How outlining is such a valuable step in your book journey

{7:49} Starting to map out your coaching programme

{9:06} Putting your beta programme together

{10:19} Pricing your beta programme

{13:29} Road testing your material and getting live feedback


What if I told you that you could take some of the work that most people spend weeks doing on their book, and get it done in a matter of hours? Sounds too good to be true? Well not if you come and spend the day with me so we can work on getting your book structured together. 


I have a limited number of 1:1 VIP day slots available - either virtual or for those in the UK, in person from the end of May at a beautiful luxury 5 star hotel just 20m from central london. 


During the course of the day we will get your book planned and outlined, so will you leave, ready to start your first draft, knowing exactly what your book needs to cover in order to make a big impact in your business. 


So if you want to put your foot on the gas and save a massive amount of time in getting the RIGHT book written, click here to  find out more. But remember, places are limited so turn that 'hmmm, maybe' into a yes before it's too late!


My book's just come out - How do I get people to buy it?' and other dumb questions about marketing


How are you showing up in your business?