How to get your first 50 reviews

So you may think you’ve arrived when you’re given that little orange bestseller banner on Amazon, but the reality is you can achieve that just by hacking their algorithm. If you really want to measure how well your marketing is working, stop focusing on your chart position, because it just doesn’t matter all that much.

So what does matter? 


Your book’s reviews are really the only thing that matters, in my opinion. Because when you have good reviews, it tells you two things: you wrote a good book and you’ve been intentional about your marketing.

It means you’ve done the work to write a book that is powerful in helping change others’ lives, but also that you are also keeping the momentum going to get an even farther reach to bring new people into your world. 

I mean, that’s why you wrote the book after all, right?!

On today’s episode of The AUTHORity Show, we’ll talk about why reviews matter so much, and I’ll share step-by-step strategies that will help you get your first 50 5-star reviews. 

Give it a listen, then go out and get yourself some reviews, then come back to tell me about it. 

If you’ve already had some beautiful 5-star reviews, share them with me. I love seeing them and celebrating with you, but they’re also a good way to remind yourself that the hard work you put in was all worth it.

Here are the highlights from this episode:

{3:35} Continually growing your audience while writing your book

{4:04} Why book reviews are so important

{7:19} Getting early readers from clients, super fans, and those who appear as case studies in your book

{10:30} Reminding your early readers to review your book

{11:54} Thanking your early reviewers

{13:17} Running a competition to encourage sales and reviews

{16:55} Feeling validation for your book

{19:07} Mediocre reviews and how to deal with them

{21:49} Coming up next week


Want some help mapping this all out? Did you know that we can get all this sorted in double quick time? That's right - one whole day with me is going to work magic on your book. Find out more about a VIP day with me over here

Want some FREE help to get started? Then download my free mini training on how to find the time to just Write the Damn Book already! 


How to sit down and get the damn book written


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