How writing a coaching book makes you a better coach with Master Coach Trainer Ruth Kudzi

If we’re being honest, by now I’ve given you enough reasons to drop the excuses and write your bloody book already — it brings you new leads, helps you get clear on your process, and the list goes on, really.


But if you still need convincing, I’ve got yet another reason for you. 


(This one’s a doozy.)


It makes you a better YOU.


I could tell you how that works, but the truth is that no one can explain it to you better than my friend, Ruth Kudzi, can.


Ruth decided to write her book for all the right reasons — she wanted to share her experience and expertise with the world around her, but she also wanted to get really clear on her own process and how she uses it to help others.


But what Ruth didn’t expect was that while writing a personal development book for others, she’d find herself diving deeper into her own personal development journey, too.


Writing her book, ‘Is This It?: The Smart Woman’s Guide To Finding Work You Love’, has helped others, but it’s made her a better Master Coach as well. Definitely a lovely bonus tacked on to all the other benefits.


In this episode of The AUTHORity Show, Ruth gives us a behind-the-scenes view of how much writing a book to help change others can change you, too.


When you’re finished, hit me up @jessicakillingley and let me know which part made you sit up and say, ‘Well, shit, Jessica...I think it’s time I finally write the damn book’. 


And if you want to work 1:1 with me to get it started, let’s get you scheduled for a VIP Day with me soon.


Here are the highlights from the episode:

{8:28} Why Ruth wrote her first book, 'Is Ths It?' and how it helped her get clarity on her coaching methodology

{12:05} How writing her first book helped Ruth to see her work as valuable

{15:47} How her first book made Ruth realise she hadn't been playing big enough in her business

{17:53} How coach training is amazing personal development

{19:55} How the second book took longer than the first book to write

{26:26} How the book and personal development helped get Ruth out of 'react mode' in her business


Want to connect with Ruth? 



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