Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

Why You Should Write a Book Even if You're Already Super Successful

We all get these opportunities in life where we have to decide if we’ll stay on the path that makes sense or throw caution to the wind and just follow our gut.

And of course there are a million and one reasons to stay on easy street, but I say if what you’re doing doesn’t light you up, then why fucking bother?

Life’s short, so if you’re smart I say follow the light.

That’s precisely what my good friend (and client, coach and fairy godmother) Noor Hibbert, did.

Noor started out teaching business because that’s a direction she’d been led through coaching and was successful with it. The thing is, she realised over time that while she enjoyed teaching business, that’s not what her true passion was.  

Noor had a deep desire to help everyday people change their lives.

Instead of following the path of doing what she thought she “should” do, she listened to her intuition and decided to do what lights her up (smart move, my friend). The result was starting a successful mindset manifestation academy, then her book, Just F*cking Do it, followed (with a tiny bit of help from me).

Her reach continues to grow through her JFDI Academy, and her book, which after 18 months is still changing lives every. single. day.

I was especially thrilled to have Noor as a guest on this episode of The AUTHORity Show because she’s not continuing to change the lives of those in the world around her, but she also played a role in where I am today. 

Want to know how? Tune in to this episode and find out.

I promise you’ll be inspired by Noor’s story because it’s a perfect example how following your intuition pays off in spades.  

Hit me up on Instagram and let me know what your favorite bit was (mine were too many to count).

Highlights of today’s episode:

If you want to connect with Noor then you will find her over on Instagram

Get a copy of Just F*cking Do It here 

Are you ready to write the book that builds your biz? 

One that 10xs your impact so you can help even more people,  leverages your influence so you can be recognised as an authority and increases your income so you can have a business that brings you the freedom and financial flexibility you want/

If that’s a hell yes,  then I want you to come and join me so we can  Uncover Your Bestselling, Business-Building Book!  I am bringing you a three part training that’s your step-by-step blueprint to finally write the book that builds your business and positions you as the go-to expert in your niche  (Even if you’ve never written a book before, don't have the time, or don’t know what the F to write about)  And the best part? This  3 part live training is absolutely free! We get started on the 25th Feb so make sure you are signed up right here and get ready to uncover your bestselling business-building book

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How your book gets you off the business hamster wheel

One of the biggest reasons people aren’t on board with writing a book is that they think it’s just another thing to do on top of everything else they’re already doing.

And when each and every day is  filled with ALL the things — finding new leads, coming up with valuable content, showing up on social media AND people’s inboxes — even thinking about adding one task feels like a bloody nightmare.

So before you panic at the sheer thought of it, let me just clear things up a bit: writing your book isn’t just one more damn thing to do.  

It’s actually the thing that can make your job easier in the long run.

Sitting down to write your book forces you to really take a look at what you’re doing.  You tune in to what you love to teach, and who you’re teaching it to. It makes you take a look at your methodology and get really clear on how it’s totally different than the other options out there.

Writing your book also helps you figure out what beliefs your people have that are getting in the way of them working with you, so you can figure out how you can help them shift them so they know working with you becomes a total no-brainer.

Now I know that seems like a lot of work, but here’s the brilliant part:

You only have to do it once. (Unless you want to write more books after that, and by all means, DO THAT).

And when it’s all said and done, you’ll be able to stop running to stand still and will be using your time and energy in a way that best serves your people. You can get off that dreaded hamster wheel and start getting serious momentum in your business.

So tune in to this episode of The AUTHORity Show, where I’ll give you all the goods on how you can do the heavy lifting now and it will ease things up on down the line.

Tune in and then hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingley and tell me what a-ha hit you upside the head! 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How Not To Write The Wrong Book with Dr Kathrine McAleese

I know it seems crazy to think you could end up writing the wrong book, but trust me, it happens to the best of us. You’re moving right along, then one day — BAM! 

You realise it’s the wrong damn one.

But what’s really amazing is that sometimes the wrong book is exactly what you need to get to where you’re going. 

That was precisely the case with Dr. Kathrine McAleese. 

Dr. Kathrine’s book was coming right along when it hit her: it just wasn’t the book she was meant to write. It didn’t feel big enough. It felt too easy, like she wasn’t digging as deep as she could, and wasn’t bringing everything to the table.

Her book didn’t speak to where she was headed and the impact she envisioned she could make.

That would require a different type of conversation.

Dr. Kathrine wrote her new book with a tone that spoke to a different audience.  After me constantly telling her, “More Jesus!” she finally gave herself permission to share it all through her very own lens.

The result was a book that changes lives (and is a joy to read, to boot).  

The bonus? Dr. Kathrine’s book even changed her.

The reality is, no one wants to write the wrong book.  But if you find yourself in that position, think like a sculptor. Just chip away the bits that aren’t needed and you will find your masterpiece underneath. 

It was an honor to have Dr. Kathrine come on The AUTHORity Show to share her story, because should you find yourself writing the wrong book, you’ll know there might still be some value within it.

Tune in to this episode, then pop on over to my Instagram @jessicakillingley and tell me what your biggest “oh, shit” moment was. I can’t wait to hear it.

Want to connect with Kathrine?



Here are the highlights from this episode:

{2:51} Kathrine's story

{11:02} The process of writing and its impact on you

{16:03} Hitting a brick wall

{19:41} Learning to use my own voice

{22:57} If it's a problem for you, it's a problem for other women

{26:14} Kathrine's business today

{30:40} The beta reader experience

Get on the waiting list for my upcoming step by step program, The Authority Blueprint HERE 

Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

Why You’re Ready To Write Your Book Before You Think You Are with Executive Performance Coach Caroline Rae

One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is waiting to write their book (shocker, I know.). They’ll think, “Well, let me run my group program a few times” or “once I’ve gotten a good bit of one-on-one coaching clients built up, I will know what to write.”  

The problem with that method is that you miss out on the brilliance that comes with using your book as a central piece that helps put all of the rest of it together.

Not so for Caroline Rae.

Caroline is an executive performance coach who works with clients who are feeling burned-out, stuck, or frustrated in their careers. She helps them get tuned-in to their purpose, get clear on their values and strengths, and how all of that directs their career life.  Her own experience has helped her to be a brilliant coach to come alongside her clients and help them break through their struggles.

Caroline works with clients one-on-one, in her Impossible to Ignore group coaching program, and also offers VIP Days with her clients.

One thing (of many!) I find incredibly special about Caroline is that she didn’t follow the crowd in the thinking that her book should come later.  

She recognized making it a central piece of her business strategy would allow it to flow into everything else she does, like her one-on-one coaching, group program, and even the content she shares on social media.

Caroline is currently in the thick of writing her book, right alongside developing her methodology for her individual coaching and her group coaching program, too.  Pure genius, I tell you.

Her willingness to take that leap is exactly why I was so excited to interview her on this episode of The AUTHORity Show.  Well, that and because she’s truly amazing.

Want to know more about the impact not waiting to write her book had on her business as a whole? 

Well, why don’t you give this episode a listen and find out.

When you’re done, come on over to Instagram @jessicakillingley and share with me how diving right into writing your book could change the course of your business, too.

Want to connect with Caroline? You can find her here:




{3:26} Introduction to Caroline 

{7:09} Moving from 1:1 to 1 to many 

{11:29} How Caroline decided when to start writing her book 

{16:15} How Caroline's group programme helped to test the content of the book 

{17:52} How not to cannibalise what's in the book or your online course 

{20:29} What you want to write about versus what the problem is your ideal client wants to solve 

{21:31} How your book can fit into your sales funnel 

{24:43} Identifying as a thought leader, or not? 

{26:45} Getting past imposter syndrome when writing your book 

{30:03} All about the Impossible to Ignore group programme 


Get on the waiting list for my upcoming step by step program, The Authority Blueprint HERE 


Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

Your book isn't just an asset. It's a strategy

Whether you’re a coach, a consultant, a trainer, or a mentor, you likely picked that path because you want to help people.  The thing is, if you want to continue to do more of it (and keep your sanity in the process), you’ve got to come up with a strategy to make it happen.  

So what does strategy actually mean? You might think it’s just a plan, but in reality, a strategy is higher level.  It speaks to many things, like your values and how you want to show up in your business (and life). It helps you figure out what it takes to scale your business so you can share what you do with as many people as you want to serve.

And THAT is where your book comes in.

On this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’m getting into the nitty gritty about how your book can be used as part of a killer strategy in your business so you can reach more people with less effort (well, in the long run, at least...you still have to actually write the book).

Tune in, then hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingley and let me know which part was the kick in the pants you needed to write the damn book already.

Here are the highlights:

{2:15} The strategy is higher level and speaks to the values and how you show up in your business

{2:33} What do you want to be known for?

{3:27} How do you view your business and your role in it?

{5:05} What does your business need you to be doing?

{7:03} Your book is the Queen

{8:10} The reasons you want to write your book

{9:32} When the mission changes, the strategy changes

{10:41} Your book as a relationship builder


Get on the waiting list for my upcoming step by step program, The Authority Blueprint HERE 


Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How writing a book can take your coaching business to the next level

I have one question for you:  why are experienced people not writing a book? It’s enough to drive someone like me to drink.

If you are a multiple 6 or 7 figure earner and you haven’t written a book yet, you’re making a huge mistake. And we both know that you didn’t get to where you are by being an idiot, so maybe it’s time to explore the idea a bit more.

There are two main reasons that writing a book needs to be part of your plan this year and that’s exactly what I’ll share with you on this episode of The AUTHORity Show.  

We’ll get some questions rolling around your head that will help you figure out what your endgame is, and how writing your book is the next thing that will help get you there.

So do the smart thing and take just a few minutes and give it a listen. I think you’ll  agree that your single biggest move for 2021 (and beyond) is to write the damn book already.

So grab a cup of coffee (or wine, or whiskey...whatever’s your thing) and tune in for this highly informative (and always entertaining) episode and let’s make a plan for you to write YOUR book in 2021.


And I can’t wait to help you do it.

Here are the highlights from this episode:  


{2:57} How NOT writing a book is leaving money on the table 

{4:08} You do not own social media channels 

{6:22} What would it be like to have a tangible impact? 

{10:06} An exciting announcement! 


Get on the waiting list for my upcoming step by step program, The Authority Blueprint HERE 


Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How your book can help you transition from in-person done-for-you to Online Coaching with Indian Wedding Planner & Author Meera Majithia

Do you think you’ve got to have everything just perfect before you write your book?  You know, you’ve got to have everything in place, your business has to be exactly where you want it, and everything needs to work like the most well-oiled machine?

But what if you feel ready to write the book, but don’t have your ducks all in a row (or maybe don’t even have ducks yet)?

It’s simple, really. You write it anyway.

That’s exactly what my The AUTHORity Show guest, Meera Majithia, did when she decided to write her book even though she was on the cusp of a marked pivot in her wedding planning business.  

After 5 years of planning beautiful weddings in person, Meera loved helping brides plan their special day, she just wished she could help more of them. 

But short of teleportation or figuring out how to bend the space-time continuum, she didn’t have the capacity to do it. Instead she decided to take a more digital approach and make the shift to helping brides online.

She could have easily waited until she had fully made that transition, but Meera decided to write the book first. 

Her book, “Planned to Perfection,” became that first domino that pushed all the others into place, helping her to build an online community of support that enabled her to expand her reach to connect with and plan weddings for brides across the globe.

Meera’s decision to write her book from where she wanted to go was the catalyst to reshape her business in a way that exactly matched how she envisioned it.

I know her story will inspire you to see what’s possible when you follow your instincts and give yourself the freedom (and permission) to write the book first. 

Here are the highlights from this episode: 


{4:59} Introduction to Meera and how this year has enabled her to transition to online 

{10:18} The decision to move online and start a membership 

{12:14} How planning the content for the booked helped create the content for the online membership 

{15:31} The book as a funnel to the membership 

{16:39} How Meera combined fiction and non-fiction 

{18:45} Using Trello and other online tools to plan the book content 

{25:07} How Meera plans to use the book to grow her online business 

{32:32} What the process of being published is like 

Connect with Meera:

IG: https://www.instagram.com/carriagesevents/

FB group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/weddingplanningwithcarriages/
Website: https://www.carriagesevents.co.uk

Planned to Perfection: Buy the book 

Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to say I DO to writing a book with Wedding Business Coach Faye Cornhill

So you have this great book idea, but you keep putting it off. Why?

Let me guess…

  • There’s not enough time...

  • You don’t know where to start...

  • Now is not the RIGHT time (2020 and all)...

And the list goes on.

I don’t care how many “reasons” you give me, I’m still going to shoot straight with you — we both know they’re really just excuses.

And the only thing excuses are good for is to help you up your procrastination game.

So how do you kick them to the curb and write the damn book anyway?

That’s exactly what today’s The AUTHORity Show guest Wedding Strategist and Rockstar Writing Academy alumna Faye Cornhill did when she decided against all odds to write her book, “I Do.

When I first talked with Faye about writing a book based on building her wedding business, she had zero desire to even think about writing a book.

With a thriving business and her close-knit Wedding Business Club community to run, she didn’t want to sacrifice time spent on them to write — she’d be starting from scratch after all. And who in their right mind writes a book about building a wedding business during a pandemic? (Great, tell them how to do what they currently can’t do.)

All things considered, writing a book just didn’t make sense.

But when Faye realised there were no books in her area of expertise, she knew writing her own was the perfect opportunity to get her proven strategies into the hands of even more wedding business owners.

It occurred to her she didn’t have to start from scratch after all — she already had the book structure started with the content she shared with her members. And she knew that while 2020 had done a number on the wedding industry, there was value in giving hope to business owners with a plan they can follow in years to come.

With that decision Faye joined my Rockstars Writing Academy in 2019 and became a model student. She did the work (very quietly, I might add), then published her first book in 2020.

Overcoming her doubts and writing her book helped wedding entrepreneurs have a solid plan of action to build their businesses, but during one of the hardest years in the industry, her can-do attitude became a beacon of hope for her community.

She’s a true leader who’s inspired me and I know her story will inspire you, too.

Here are the highlights from today’s episode:
Here are the highlights from today’s episode:

{9:18} How Faye discovered the gap in the market she wrote about
{13:05} How Faye thought the book would impact her business before she wrote it and how it has
{20:54} Being caught in the 'I don't have time' trap
{22:42} How planning for what you want readers to do after they finish the book helps you to write the book
{29:48} How the first draft of your book has to be crap
{31:56} Launching a book during a lockdown
{36:27} The ripple effect after launching your book
{46:13} How your book can create a legacy

[Ways to connect with Faye (noted in episode)]




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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to uncover your best selling book idea

Most people don’t realize this… 

But it’s 100% possible to write the wrong book. Scary, right? 

Here’s how it happens: writers think they need to write the book their head tells them to rather than the one that’s in their heart.  And so they spend a ton of time wrestling with a book they don’t even like or no longer applies to their business. 

Which means unless your goal is to give your readers a book they can use to prop their laptops up on for a more flattering Zoom call angle, it’s time to get in tune to what you really want to write. Because while it’s your book and you get to decide what goes into it, if you aren’t in love with it no one else will be either. 


So how do you uncover your best-selling book idea?

Well, you’re in luck because that is exactly what I’ll be sharing with you on this episode of The AUTHORity Show. I’ve got a plan of action I use that will help you uncover your book idea, too.


If you liked this episode, check out the episode that talks about what a best-selling book actually means - mentioned in this podcast 


 Here are the highlights from the episode: 


{3:23} What you think you know before you write your book 

{4:38} The easy book to write can still be the wrong book to write 

{5:42} The length of your book is not a selling point 

{7:04} Solving specific problems for your readers 

{7:40) The 3 focusses you need to nail your bestselling book idea 

Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to make sure your book isn't sh*t

In today’s episode I'm talking about one of my favourite subjects: how to make sure that your book is *actually* any good - also known as 'How not to be really dumb about writing it'.


Because let's face it, if you are going to go to the trouble of writing it, then you want to know that it's going to be worth it and actually have the desired effect - more impact, more influence and more income. 

Here are the highlights from this episode:


{4:02} The importance of having a detailed chapter breakdown 

{5:33} Your book needs to solve a problem, your story is a part of it 

{9:35} Making the time to plan what you are going to write before you do it 

{13:26} The structure of the chapters and the questions to ask yourself 


Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

Juggling a Book and a Baby with Lauren Malone of The Expecting Entrepreneur

In today’s episode I am thrilled to be talking to one of my brilliant clients,  coach Lauren Malone. Lauren and I started working together in January 2020 on a book that was on a deadline... It HAD to be p ublished by October. (Spoiler: it was). So listen in to find out why, what the book was about, how it fitted into a new part of her coaching business and how she managed to write and publishing a book whilst also growing a business and looking after a tiny baby. 


Here are the highlights from this episode:


{3:13} Introduction to Lauren 

{10:44} The process of writing and the importance of having guidance 

{15:47} How a book can help your business 

{19:02} How to beat impostor syndrome when writing your book 

{25:17} Working with a hybrid publisher 

{30:55} The launch process 

{37:47} Turning readers into clients 

Here are all the places you can connect with Lauren:






and you can get a copy of her book here 

Want some help to get started on your book with me? Then come and check out my Virtual Workshop that's taking place on Saturday 5th December 



Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

The five biggest mistakes people are making with their books

In today’s episode we are going to be talking about the five and a half biggest mistakes that people are making with their books. The book is there for a long term goal to help grow your business, to help make more impact and to help increase your income.


Discovering which are the biggest mistakes that people are making, you can build a more clear strategy on how not to do that with your book.  


Here are the highlights from this episode:


{3:43} First mistake: not finding the time to write your book 

{4:02} Second mistake: waiting too long 

{6:35} Third mistake: not properly planning the outline and chapters 

{10:06} Fourth mistake: considering the publication day as your finish line 

{15:47} Fifth mistake: writing the book for where you are now and not where you want to go 


Want some help to get started on your book with me? Then come and check out my Virtual Workshop that's taking place on Saturday 5th December 



Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How do I actually get my book published?

In this episode we will talk about the three different ways that you can get your book out to market.

We'll go through pros and cons of traditional publishing on one hand, Amazon self publishing at the opposite side and the hybrid publishing in the middle.


Here are the highlights from this episode:

{2:51} The traditional publishing deal

{10:47} The Amazon self publishing platform

{13:45} Hybrid publishing


Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

From Blog To Book Deal with Another Door's Eleanor Tweddell

In this episode we will interview Eleanor Tweddell, founder of Another Door.

We will go through her story and discover the journey that led her to Another Door.

Eleanor's company was founded with the mission to help people through redundancy and make it the best thing that happened to them. She helps people to re-imagine their future.


Here are the highlights from this episode:

{3:00} Introduction to Eleanor

{4:56} The idea to start a blog

{11:06} A blog becomes a book

{23:12} Another Door is born

{27:49} The process of being published

{35:03} The power of books


Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

Is Writing A Book Good For Your Business?

In today’s episode we will talk about the reasons why you should write a book for your business.

We are going to look at three areas of your business, that the book is going to massively benefit.


Here are the highlights from this episode:

{1:36} Why you should write a book

{3:09} First area: Impact

{3:59} Second area: Influence

{4:47} Third area: Income

Are you ready to finally put all that into action? Then head on over here and grab your FREE mini training that’s going to walk you through 3 steps of my framework and get you started on the damn book!

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Jessica Killingley Jessica Killingley

How to Get Started With Your Book

We're going to be talking about why it's worth doing in the first place, how to get it done as well as how to practically start writing your book.


Here are the highlights from this episode:

{2:54} Why Jessica started this podcast

{3:58} The author’s story

{9:39} Using your story to teach 

{12:27} Impostor syndrome

{15:11} Important questions to ask yourself

Want to get your hands on a free mini training that’s going to show you how to stop wasting time and just write the DAMN BOOK? (come on, we both know that you’ve been dicking about for too long now). Let’s go….

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