My book's just come out - How do I get people to buy it?' and other dumb questions about marketing

So many people put a ridiculous amount of blood, sweat, and tears into the writing part of writing a book, but forget to even think about how they plan to sell it. Then the day it hits the shelves, they panic.


They plead with me, ‘Jessica, my book's just come out —  how do I get people to buy it?'


Then they scramble and it’s just a whole lot harder than it really needs to be.


I mean, you don’t write a book just to write a book. You write a book so people will READ it.


But if you want that to happen, you’ve got to start thinking about marketing from the get-go. You need to be aware of...


  • 3 key phases of marketing your book

  • 4 questions to build your marketing around

  • 3 groups of people you’re marketing to


Because here’s the thing: selling books is hard.


I wish I had a magic bullet or perfect formula that can guarantee you’ll sell thousands of books each month. It just doesn’t exist. 


What I can give you is a series of strategies that will set you up for the best possible shot at selling as many copies as possible.


Tune in to this episode of The AUTHORity Show, where I’m sharing the key points you need to be thinking about when you start planning out your book, so you can be ready to get it into the hands of your readers the very moment it launches.


Here are the highlights from this episode:

{2:29} How you're missing out if you leave your marketing to the eleventh hour

{3:08} Why you need to think about selling your book before you write it

{5:22} Creating your North Star

{7:42} The 4 phases of marketing your book

{9:09} Why you should work on the phases in the order I recommend

{12:32} Being really clear on the objectives for your book


Want to take some of the work most people spend weeks doing on their book and get it done in a matter of hours? That may sound too good to be true, but you absolutely can if you spend the day with me.


I have a very limited number of VIP Days 1:1 slots available for us to spend together structuring your book. We can meet virtually or in person (if you’re in the UK, that is). Click here for more details!


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