Why getting your book traditionally published isn't necessarily the route to market

So you have your mind set on getting your book traditionally published, do you? You envision some big publishing company reading your book, beaming with pride as they tell you how amazing your book is, then having it show up as a bestseller instantly.

The thing is, that’s not how it usually goes. Traditional publishing is a very slow, long, drawn-out process, and the end result might not look exactly like you think it will.

Don’t get me wrong — traditional publishing has its place and that’s where a lot of my experience lies. But you’ve got to make sure you are approaching that route to market for the right reasons, because if you don’t, it will be massively underwhelming and the outcome might not look the way you think it should.

On this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’m giving you an inside look at traditional publishing by way of a snippet from my course, The AUTHORity Blueprint. That way you can weigh the options and decide whether it’s the best way for you to get your book into the hands of your readers.

And if you’re interested in participating in The AUTHORity Blueprint, while the live session is closed, the self-study option is ready and waiting for you right here.


Here are the highlights from this episode:


{2:12} Getting a literary agent

{4:46} What publishing houses care about

{5:23} A publisher doesn’t do everything for you

{9:53} The sliding scales of publishing


How to get your first 50 reviews


How to get your book planned out in a day