Why aren't I writing my book!?
‘Why aren’t I writing my book?!’
This is a cry of anguish that I hear from a few clients so I figured maybe it’s something you can relate to...
You get all fired up, start strong, make great progress…. and then… well, life gets in the way and before you know it, it’s been weeks and then months and the book outline is gathering dust.
That’s exactly what’s happened with my client Lauren, who is writing a book on nutrition and how to have a more mindful relationship with food. We had a coaching call recently to dig into what exactly was going on and why she’d stalled with her book.
Because here’s the thing - your brain is going to come up with some VERY convincing reasons why you’ve suddenly got 101 more important things to do with your book.
But then what happens….
Well, the book doesn’t get done and you end up beating yourself up about it.
My friend, I’m here to tell you, you can’t hate yourself through to a finished first draft.
So tune into this episode of The AUTHORity Show and listen to this live coaching session. If you’ve ever felt like you were at the mercy of everything you’ve got going on in your life, then this one is definitely for you!
Interested in hearing more about Lauren's work? Then connect with her on Instagram here
Keen to make 2022 the year you start your book but don't know what to do first? Then click here to download my FREE guide to avoiding the 3 biggest mistakes I see people make with their book. Make sure you write the RIGHT book!
Want to be coached by me like you just heard me coach Lauren? Find out more about how you can work with me 1:1 here
Highlights from the show:
(05:43) Struggling with the organisation of productive time
(12:28) Productive procrastination
(18:02) Deadline driven
(23:31) Perfection failure
(31:13) It's down to your thinking and your feeling
(35:59) It's about resistance management
What does it *actually* take to write a book
What’s stopping you from feeling like or calling yourself an author? You know you’ve earned that title, but for some reason you find it hard to actually own it. The truth is that if you’re having a hard time identifying as a writer, you’re going to have a hard time calling yourself one. It’s all because of a little thing called resistance.
Resistance shows up when you are connected to an identity that is misaligned with who you are working to become. The result? You’ll sabotage yourself at every turn without even realizing it.
Resistance can make you feel like you’re doing things wrong, but I’m here to tell you it’s just a natural part of the process. So you’ll want to come up with a plan when it hits, because let’s be really honest here...it’s not a matter of IF, just WHEN.
But it’s what we do with it that determines where we’re headed. We get to decide if we’ll allow it to hold us back, or if use it to our advantage.
So what do you do when resistance is knocking at your door? How can you press on toward the things you want to accomplish?
That’s exactly what I’ll share with you on this episode of The AUTHORity Show.
Give it a listen, then hit me up on IG @jessicakillingley and let me know what your biggest “well, shit” moment was.
Here are the highlights from today’s episode:
{2:33} How to get through the process of writing
{4:04} How what you believe about yourself affects how and when you write your book
{8:27} Where discipline and habits come in to play
{10:47} Overcoming the resistance to write your book
Books mentioned in this episode:
Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art
BJ Fogg's Tiny Habits
James Clear's Atomic Habits
Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!
How do I make any money from my book?
In today’s episode we will talk about how to make money from your book, apart from selling copies.
There's a phrase that says: you make more money by giving away your books than you do by selling it.
There are several ways to make revenue from your book and we will dig into them to help you realise where you want your book to take you.
Here are the highlights from this episode:
{3:50} Why selling books is hard
{4:31} Getting paid to speak
{7:06} A product to turn readers into clients
{8:53} Your book as part of the sales funnel
Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!
How Do I Make Sure My Book is a Bestseller?
In this episode we are going to be talking about:
How I can guarantee that my book is going to be a bestseller?
We'll be focusing on the topic of impact that we introduced in episode 2. Because by saying you want your book to be a bestseller, what you really mean is that you want to make a bigger impact and create change in somebody’s life ...
Here are the highlights from this episode:
{2:42} How to be an Amazon bestseller
{4:51} What being a bestseller in the traditional publishing industry means
{6:50} The importance of reviews
{10:15} Overcome limiting beliefs and get results
{13:57} Turn readers into clients
Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!
Help! I finished my first draft ages ago and I've been stuck ever since!
Have you ever noticed that the closer you get to the finish line, the harder it is to actually drag yourself over it?
Trust me when I tell you that this couldn’t apply more than when it comes to writing a book. The nearer you get to getting that sucker on sale, the harder and faster the resistance comes chasing at you.
Which is exactly what’s happened for my client Carolina.
She’s inside my AUTHORity Blueprint programme and has made amazing progress in getting her first draft written.
Problem is … it’s been a while🙈
And now she’s stuck in overwhelm at what she sees as the enormity of the task ahead in getting it finished.
Sound familiar?
If you've ever found yourself spinning your wheels and puzzling over why you JUST CAN'T GET the thing you really want to finish, finished - then this episode is a *must listen* for you.
Tune in as we have a mini coaching session that scratches the surface of what is actually lurking beneath that thought of ‘it all feels like too much’
Where have YOU been holding yourself back from getting something finished?
Want to know how to get yourself a traditional book deal? Then make sure you come and check out the event that my literary agency is running in London on December 13th that's going to take you behind the scenes of the publishing industry and give you the low down on everything you need to do to secure an agent, create an unbeatable proposal and get that coveted book deal. Read more about the event here!
Highlights from the show:
(08:18) Struggling slightly with overwhelm
(12:02) Productive procrastination
(18:56) Imposter syndrome
(24:41) Look at that fear first
(30:48) What if you just chose to stop thinking either set of negative thoughts?
(36:43) Approach it with empowerment and liberation
Want to know how you could apply these coaching methods to YOU and your life? Then why not book a free mini session with me? I'll take you through a simple but powerful coaching method that's going to help you get some clarity & understanding. Interested? Click here to book a call today!
Why a podcast is one of the best book promotion tools you can have with Coach and Strategist Lynsay Gould
Should you write a book or should you start a podcast??
Given that today’s guest is Podcast Coach and founder of The Podcast Boutique, Lynsay Gould, you’re not going to be too surprised to discover that our answer is do both!
Books and podcasts go hand in hand and in this week’s episode we dig into exactly why they are such natural partners. We look at the ins and outs of starting your own podcast and how it can make your content work really hard for you.
Not surprisingly, people have the same reasons *coughs* excuses *coughs* for not starting a podcast as they do for writing a book - Time, money, fear of judgement, being overwhelmed by the process - but Lynsay and I discuss the benefits to pushing past those fears and getting the help you need.
We talk about which comes first - the book or the podcast?; how you can be planning your content to make sure you just work hard once and why podcasts are such a powerful book promotion tool.
(and yes, we do get into how you can still use guesting on podcasts to promote your book if you *really* don’t want to start your own!)
Get in touch with Lynsay Gould via The Podcast Boutique website: https://www.thepodcastboutique.com/
Download your free checklist on How to Start Your Podcast the Right Way
So no more excuses - start getting canny with how you’re using your content and growing your audience!
Ready to get started on your book? Then download my FREE guide to making sure you avoid making 3 really BIG mistakes
Highlights from the Show:
(04:48) The biggest barriers that stop people from starting their podcast
(06:58) Podcasting and writing a book go hand in hand
(09:16) Use your podcast as your marketing runway
(20:39) You need a strategy behind your book and your podcast
(23:30) Creating good content is the most important thing
(25:09) Pitching yourself to be on a podcast
(29:08) Podcasts are a way of reaching a really engaged audience
(31:31) When you have your publication day start pitching yourself
(36:41) The help people can get when starting their own podcast
Why Being Impatient to Finish Your Book is Killing It
We've all heard the saying that patience is a virtue. Well, today we're talking about how patience is an effing SUPERPOWER...
What has being impatient got to do with writing your book? Good question! Tell me something:
If you are currently working on a book, are you impatient to get it finished?
If the call to write one has been floating around for a while, are you impatient for all the circumstances to be right so you can start it?
Yeah. How's that working out for you?
In today's episode we dig into what impatience *really* means and how being impatient for progress is actually killing your book.
Don't forget - if you're listening to this live - to check out the Get Ready to Write workshop. Doors close on Thursday 4th November so if you've been curious for a while now about how to get yourself book ready, then come and join us!
Click here to secure your spot!
Highlights from the Show:
(03:51) When we're impatient we want time to move differently
(04:40) How many times have you been really impatient to get something done?
(06:47) Impatience was covering up fear
(08:46) The state of impatience is actually keeping you safe
(10:15) Check-in with your reasons
(11:45) The next time impatience creeps up, ask yourself, what exactly am I impatient for?
How Tech Entrepreneur & Parenting Blogger Jo Wimble Groves Put Her Hand Up for a Book Deal
In today’s episode I’m delighted to welcome the very talented and inspiring Jo Wimble Groves, author of RISE OF THE GIRL.
Jo is a tech entrepreneur, a parenting blogger and now author! In this interview she talks about her passion for helping girls put their hand up and how we can raise them to be resilient and confident young women. She shares her own experience of ‘putting her hand up’ aged 16 when she left school to start a company with her brother. Now with nearly 3 decades of experience as an award-winning woman in STEM, a thriving blogging & influencer platform and mother to 3 young children, she’s an absolutely inspiring powerhouse.
She talks about how we met, how the book came to be (and how it ended up being different to her original idea once I got stuck in!) and what the experience of being published by a global publisher like DK has been like.
I hope you find listening to her motivating - she really is a brilliant example of staying the course and taking action towards your big dreams.
You can buy RISE OF THE GIRL: Seven Empowering Conversations to Have WIth Your Daughter here (or here if you want to support your local indie). Connect with Jo@GuiltyMother on instagram
Also mentioned is the lovely Nicky Raby who connected us - my podcast episode is hereand Jo’s can be found here.
Ready to get started on YOUR book? Then come and get yourself on the waiting list for my next workshop! Who knows - it could be YOUR book we’re talking about on a future episode!
(And finally - one week until the magical unicorn that is Noor Hibbert publishes her follow up to the smash hit Just F*cking Do It. Want to get your hands on a FREE YOLO coaching course with £197? Then pre-order YOU ONLY LIVE ONCE now!)
Don’t forget to like, subscribe, review, tag me on Insta because I want to see what you’re going to write about!
Highlights from the Show:
{4:51} Can't believe I'm an author
{10:15} Making myself stand out
{16:38} Finding the heart of the book
{25:03} How you do one thing is how you do everything
{33:17} We can find role models everywhere
{41:10} I didn't feel worthy
Want Me to Be Your Agent? What I Look for in an Author.
Ever wondered what it takes to get an agent? Or more specifically ME as your agent?
Today's episode is all about what I look for in taking on a non-fiction author.
And whilst that might sound all 'me me me' - what it's actually about it you.
Because if you can understand what drives a YES, then you're going to be able to get a lot more comfortable with hearing a NO. Because you're going to hear a lot of them.
Do they mean you should quit? What do you think? Tune in to find out...
For more information on the bks Agency and to submit to us, visit www.thebksagency.com
If you are thinking about writing the book that’s going to:
*Position you as the stand-out expert in your niche
*Turn on the tap to a waiting list of dream coaching clients
*Get you invited on to high-profile stages and podcasts?
Then I want you to HOLD UP A HOT MINUTE...
Do not... I repeat - DO NOT - write a word until you have downloaded my FREE guide
so that you can avoid... drum roll please...
(Only 3? I know, right? )
But seriously. Avoid these 3 pitfalls and you can be pretty confident that you are going to set yourself up for writing a successful book.
Grab the guide for FREE right now
Here are the highlights:
{1:26} Why October is a big month in the publishing calendar
{5:26} Why I don't reply to some submissions
{8:50} It's about the mindset
{14:04} I want you to be ambitious
{17:18} I want to care about who I represent
{20:03} It's about me, not you
The Real Reason You Aren't Writing Your Book
So here's the thing. I can teach you everything you need to know about writing and publishing and selling a book. (And when I say everything, I do mean EVERYTHING).
But guess what - that's not enough.
You know how I know? Because if it were, you'd have written your freakin' book already!
Knowing the 'stuff' - the strategy, the how-to is all well and good. But if you can't actually manage your mind, then it's not going to get you very far.
You can logically understand how to structure your book, but if you can't get your chimp brain to shut the fuck up, you're never going to push through the resistance to get the work done.
So that's what we're talking about in today's episode. Because when you can get wise to how your brain is working to derail the process, then you can get a handle on it and get the book DONE AND DONE.
Useful Links:
*Come and say Hi on Instagram and tell me what YOUR favourite flavour of mind drama is!*
**Want to avoid the 3 BIG mistakes that people make with their book? Then download my FREE guide!
***Want to take the self-guided study approach to writing a book?Then get yourself The AUTHORity Blueprint and work at your own pace. Get started today for just £297 + VAT ***
****Want to come and work with me in person? Find out more about my VIP days here****
ok, that's enough links now. back to work. Unless you haven't left me a review yet. Go do that first.
Here are the highlights from the episode:
{00:57} I can teach you a lot... but I can't teach that
{4:06} You have to add coaching into the mix
{5:40} It takes a long time to write a book
Why Writing a Book Isn’t Just About Writing a Book
One of the traps people fall into when considering writing a book is that they think it’s all about writing. They think if they can do that, they’ll be good to go.
The thing is, writing is only one of the entire puzzle. There’s work to be done before and after that will make the process a whole lot easier. Not only that, but when you do it the right way, it ensures you have a finished product that will do what it’s supposed to do — help solve a problem for your people, but also work hard for you in your business.
The process I teach is 3 stages with ten steps total. Each stage has a specific purpose to help you be more intentional throughout the process.
The three stages guide you through…
Knowing what the content should include and how you need to organize it
Getting the idea from your head to paper, then fine-tuning it to make sure it’s actually readable
What you can be doing to get your book out to the most readers possible
In this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’ll take you through the entire journey from start to finish. I’ll break each step down so you know exactly what to do at every stage of the game, so you don’t miss a thing.
Even if you’ve just started thinking about writing a book, it’s a great place to start.
Much better than diving in head first only to find out you’ve missed some really important bits along the way.
So tune in and take notes because trust me, this is going to help you. And if you’re ready to take the next step and start planning out your book, hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingly and let me know how I can help.
How to get your mojo back when you haven't touched your book in an age
There’s one thing most writers have in common — the occasional bout with writer’s block. You know what I’m talking about. It’s that feeling of knowing you really should sit down and write, but no matter how hard you try, you just can’t bring yourself to do it.
I’ll be honest: writer’s block is an easy two-word explanation as to why everything else is more important than you putting words on a page. But when you really dig in, the truth is it’s not quite that simple.
Believe it or not, there’s more than just apathy within that label. And the key to getting past that hurdle is getting curious about what is driving it so you can uncover what’s really holding you back. Because no matter how many practical little tricks you use to help you get your mojo back, they’ll all only do so much because they don’t fix the real issue.
I believe what we call ‘writer’s block’ is really there because of limiting beliefs or crappy thinking. It’s the negative thoughts that are telling you that your book isn’t going to work, or imposter syndrome is convincing you there’s no reason someone like you should be writing at all.
So how do you figure out what’s really keeping you from writing? You can tell yourself it’s because back-to-school season is driving you mad, or that the upcoming holidays have filled up your schedule, but trust me, it won’t change a thing.
The only solution is finding what you’re allowing to hold you back. (And yes, you’re allowing it because you always have a choice.) When you’re not writing, there’s a reason — identifying the why is your key to overcoming it.
On this episode of The AUTHORity Show, we’ll talk about some easy practical ways that can help you get motivated, but we’ll dive even deeper to help you uncover the real reason you’re avoiding writing. Because once you know what it is for you, you’ll not only be able to get your mojo back, you’ll have the power to keep it.
Tune in, then come back and see me on IG @jessicakillingley when you’re done. I want to know what's been holding you back, and what you plan to do to overcome it.
Why Writing A Book Isn't Just About Writing A Book [Episode 20 Reprint]
One of the traps people fall into when considering writing a book is that they think it’s all about writing. They think if they can do that, they’ll be good to go.
The thing is, writing is only one piece of the entire puzzle. There’s work you’ve got to do before and after that will make the process a whole lot easier. Not only that, but when you do it the right way, it ensures you have a finished product that will do what it’s supposed to do — help solve a problem for your people, but also work hard for you in your business.
In this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’ll take you through the entire journey of planning, writing, and promoting your book from start to finish. I’ve got ten steps for you to follow that will ensure you don’t miss a thing.
Even if you’ve just started thinking about writing a book, it’s a great place to start.
Much better than diving in head first only to find out you’ve missed some really important bits along the way.
So tune in and take notes because trust me, this is going to help you. And if you’re ready to take the next step and start planning out your book, hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingly and let me know how I can help.
Here are the highlights from the episode:
{4:05} Step One - Planning
{6:05} Step Two - Outlining
{6:42} Step Three - Structuring
{8:17} Step Four - Writing your first draft
{9:06} Step Five - Editing
{9:53} Step Six - Publishing
{12:01} Step Seven - PR
{12:29} Step Eight - Marketing
{12:53} Step Nine - Launching your book
{13:16} Step Ten - Monetising
How to Make Sure You Don't End Up Writing the Wrong Book
So you’re ready to write a book, are you? You know what you’re going to write about and how many words you want it to be, so that’s all you need to know. Right?
Don’t. You. Wish.
It’s not quite that easy, my friend. One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is not making the time — before they write their first word — to make sure it’s the right book. You may be thinking I’ve lost my mind because come on, now...there is no such thing as a wrong book.
Well, I hate to break it to you, but that’s totes bollocks.
Believe it or not, there are multiple reasons one could end up writing the wrong book. Maybe they’ve decided to write what they know, but it’s not what their readers need.
Or it’s possible they’re writing about a topic that makes sense for their business now, but it doesn’t align with where they’re headed in the future.
The reality is, you’ve got to consider both perspectives before making that decision, otherwise you could end up wasting a lot of time.
So how do you make sure you don’t go down the wrong path before you even get started? It boils down to three simple questions, really. When you really dig deep and figure out what your answers to each of them are, it will help steer you in the right direction.
You’ve got to ask yourself…
But if you want to know more about why each question is so important in how you identify what you should be writing about, you’re going to have to tune into this episode of The AUTHORity Show to find out.
We’ll dive into each question and what it means, but also why it’s so important you know what your answers are. Because if you want clarity on why your book needs to exist, they’ll help you get it before you ever sit down to start writing.
If you want to save yourself from the horror of getting half way done — or worse yet, even years down the road — and realizing it wasn’t the right book, then you’ve found this episode just in the nick of time.
So sit back and enjoy the show. When you’re done, come find me on Instagram @jessicakillingley and let me know what your biggest takeaways are. And if this episode has inspired you to write a different book than planned, I’d love to know what the right one is.
Why Wanting to be a ‘Bestseller’ is Bollocks (and What You Should Do About It)
So you want to be a bestselling author, do you? Well, before we dive in too deep into the how-to, I must warn you this is one of my favorite ranty topics.
(So this was a perfect episode to dig out of the archives for our chilled August. I hope you are easing back a little this month, because THAT is when the good creative stuff happens... m'k?
Right - back to it)
Why, you ask? Because wanting to be a bestseller usually means you want that little orange Amazon bestseller band across your book. I get ranty because the truth is that’s just a vanity metric — and it’s all a bunch of bollocks.
All that little tag means is that you did a great job of hacking the Amazon algorithm. Congratulations, what an accomplishment. (You can probably feel my eyes roll from where you are.)
Don’t get me wrong: being a bestselling book author isn’t a bad thing. It’s all in how you go about getting there. In fact, if your book is actually a bestseller, it means you’ve written something that has the potential to make a huge impact — on your reader, but also on you.
That’s the goal, isn’t it? And if you want to reach that goal, instead of asking how you can write a book that’s a bestseller, you’ve got to ask yourself a better question.
Wondering what that question is? Give this episode a listen and I’ll tell you.
I promise it will help you really drill down to figure out how you can write a book that will continue to sell because it’s making a difference in people’s lives.
(And maybe you can get that little orange banner to stick around for more than 5 seconds.)
When you’re finished, come find me on IG @jessicakillingley and let me know WHY you want to become a bestselling book author — because I know it’s going to be good.
Here are the highlights:
{4:59} How to be an Amazon bestseller
{7:08} Bestseller in the Traditional Publishing Industry
{9:07} The importance of reviews
{12:32} Overpass limiting beliefs and get results
{16:14} Turn readers into clients
Why wanting to be a “bestselling” author is bollocks (and what you should do instead)
So you want to be a bestselling author, do you? Well, before we dive in too deep into the how-to, I must warn you this is one of my favorite ranty topics.
Why, you ask? Because nine times out of ten, wanting to be a bestseller usually means they want that little orange Amazon bestseller band across their book. I get ranty because the truth is that’s just a vanity metric — it’s just a bunch of bollocks.
All that little tag means is that you did a great job of hacking the Amazon algorithm. Congratulations, what an accomplishment. (You can probably feel my eyes roll from there.)
Don’t get me wrong: being a bestselling book author isn’t a bad thing. It’s more about how you went about getting there.
In fact, if your book is actually a bestseller, it means you’ve written something that has the potential to make a huge impact — on your reader, but also on you.
So what’s a better gauge of knowing you’ve written the book your readers needed you to write?
You’ll want to pay attention to other metrics like...
Consistency in sales over time (not just to people you know!)
How many 5-star reviews your book has on Amazon
People telling others your book changed their life
How many delighted readers are becoming devoted clients
I mean, that’s the goal, isn’t it? To change lives and bring new clients to the front door of your business? You’re bloody right it is.
So how can you take steps to make sure you reach that goal? For starters, instead of asking how you can write a book that’s a bestseller, you’ve got to ask yourself a better question.
If you’re wondering what that question is, then it’s about time you give this episode a listen.
That single question will help you really drill down so you can identify the book you need to write. The result will be a book that continues to sell because it’s making a difference in people’s lives.
(And just maybe you can get that little orange banner to stick for more than 5 seconds.)
When you’re done, come find me on IG @jessicakillingley. Let me know WHY you want to become a bestselling book author — because I know it’s going to be good.
Where the hell do you get started with your book?
It all begins with an idea.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.
Should I contribute a chapter to one of those inspirational “how she did it” books? Spoiler alert, fuck no!
It all begins with an idea.
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.
How to turn your first draft into something that people will pay money for…
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.
How to write from the scar, not the wound — with Rhiannon Spurgeon
It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your story is that it’s going to continue to evolve and your site can evolve with it. Your goal should be to make it feel right for right now. Later will take care of itself. It always does.