What does it *actually* take to write a book

What’s stopping you from feeling like or calling yourself an author? You know you’ve earned that title, but for some reason you find it hard to actually own it.  The truth is that if you’re having a hard time identifying as a writer, you’re going to have a hard time calling yourself one.  It’s all because of a little thing called resistance.

Resistance shows up when you are connected to an identity that is misaligned with who you are working to become. The result?  You’ll sabotage yourself at every turn without even realizing it.

Resistance can make you feel like you’re doing things wrong, but I’m here to tell you it’s just a natural part of the process.  So you’ll want to come up with a plan when it hits, because let’s be really honest here...it’s not a matter of IF, just WHEN.

But it’s what we do with it that determines where we’re headed.  We get to decide if we’ll allow it to hold us back, or if use it to our advantage.

So what do you do when resistance is knocking at your door? How can you press on toward the things you want to accomplish?  

That’s exactly what I’ll share with you on this episode of The AUTHORity Show.  

Give it a listen, then hit me up on IG @jessicakillingley and let me know what your biggest “well, shit” moment was.

Here are the highlights from today’s episode:


{2:33} How to get through the process of writing

{4:04} How what you believe about yourself affects how and when you write your book

{8:27} Where discipline and habits come in to play

{10:47} Overcoming the resistance to write your book


Books mentioned in this episode:


Steven Pressfield’s The War of Art

BJ Fogg's Tiny Habits 

James Clear's Atomic Habits


Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 


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