Help! I finished my first draft ages ago and I've been stuck ever since!

Have you ever noticed that the closer you get to the finish line, the harder it is to actually drag yourself over it? 

Trust me when I tell you that this couldn’t apply more than when it comes to writing a book. The nearer you get to getting that sucker on sale, the harder and faster the resistance comes chasing at you.

Which is exactly what’s happened for my client Carolina.

She’s inside my AUTHORity Blueprint programme and has made amazing progress in getting her first draft written.

Problem is … it’s been a while🙈

And now she’s stuck in overwhelm at what she sees as the enormity of the task ahead in getting it finished.

Sound familiar?

If you've ever found yourself spinning your wheels and puzzling over why you JUST CAN'T GET the thing you really want to finish, finished - then this episode is a *must listen* for you.

Tune in as we have a mini coaching session that scratches the surface of what is actually lurking beneath that thought of ‘it all feels like too much’

Where have YOU been holding yourself back from getting something finished? 


Want to know how to get yourself a traditional book deal? Then make sure you come and check out the event that my literary agency is running in London on December 13th that's going to take you behind the scenes of the publishing industry and give you the low down on everything you need to do to secure an agent, create an unbeatable proposal and get that coveted book deal. Read more about the event here! 


Highlights from the show:

  • (08:18) Struggling slightly with overwhelm

  • (12:02) Productive procrastination

  • (18:56) Imposter syndrome

  • (24:41) Look at that fear first

  • (30:48) What if you just chose to stop thinking either set of negative thoughts?

  • (36:43) Approach it with empowerment and liberation


Want to know how you could apply these coaching methods to YOU and your life? Then why not book a free mini session with me? I'll take you through a simple but powerful coaching method that's going to help you get some clarity & understanding. Interested? Click here to book a call today! 


How Do I Make Sure My Book is a Bestseller?


Why a podcast is one of the best book promotion tools you can have with Coach and Strategist Lynsay Gould