Why Being Impatient to Finish Your Book is Killing It

We've all heard the saying that patience is a virtue. Well, today we're talking about how patience is an effing SUPERPOWER...

What has being impatient got to do with writing your book? Good question! Tell me something:

If you are currently working on a book, are you impatient to get it finished? 

If the call to write one has been floating around for a while, are you impatient for all the circumstances to be right so you can start it? 

Yeah. How's that working out for you?

In today's episode we dig into what impatience *really* means and how being impatient for progress is actually killing your book.

Don't forget - if you're listening to this live - to check out the Get Ready to Write workshop. Doors close on Thursday 4th November so if you've been curious for a while now about how to get yourself book ready, then come and join us! 

Click here to secure your spot! 


Highlights from the Show:

(03:51) When we're impatient we want time to move differently

(04:40) How many times have you been really impatient to get something done?

(06:47) Impatience was covering up fear

(08:46) The state of impatience is actually keeping you safe

(10:15) Check-in with your reasons

(11:45) The next time impatience creeps up, ask yourself, what exactly am I impatient for?


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