Why Writing A Book Isn't Just About Writing A Book [Episode 20 Reprint]

One of the traps people fall into when considering writing a book is that they think it’s all about writing. They think if they can do that, they’ll be good to go. 


The thing is, writing is only one piece of the entire puzzle. There’s work you’ve got to do before and after that will make the process a whole lot easier. Not only that, but when you do it the right way, it ensures you have a finished product that will do what it’s supposed to do — help solve a problem for your people, but also work hard for you in your business.


In this episode of The AUTHORity Show, I’ll take you through the entire journey of planning, writing, and promoting your book from start to finish. I’ve got ten steps for you to follow that will ensure you don’t miss a thing.


Even if you’ve just started thinking about writing a book, it’s a great place to start. 

Much better than diving in head first only to find out you’ve missed some really important bits along the way.


So tune in and take notes because trust me, this is going to help you. And if you’re ready to take the next step and start planning out your book, hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingly and let me know how I can help.


Here are the highlights from the episode:  

{4:05} Step One - Planning 

{6:05} Step Two - Outlining 

{6:42} Step Three - Structuring 

{8:17} Step Four - Writing your first draft 

{9:06} Step Five - Editing 

{9:53} Step Six - Publishing 

{12:01} Step Seven - PR 

{12:29} Step Eight - Marketing 

{12:53} Step Nine - Launching your book 

{13:16} Step Ten - Monetising 


How to get your mojo back when you haven't touched your book in an age


How to Make Sure You Don't End Up Writing the Wrong Book