How to Make Sure You Don't End Up Writing the Wrong Book

So you’re ready to write a book, are you? You know what you’re going to write about and how many words you want it to be, so that’s all you need to know. Right?

Don’t. You. Wish.

It’s not quite that easy, my friend. One of the biggest mistakes I see people make is not making the time — before they write their first word — to make sure it’s the right book.  You may be thinking I’ve lost my mind because come on, now...there is no such thing as a wrong book.

Well, I hate to break it to you, but that’s totes bollocks.

Believe it or not, there are multiple reasons one could end up writing the wrong book. Maybe they’ve decided to write what they know, but it’s not what their readers need. 

Or it’s possible they’re writing about a topic that makes sense for their business now, but it doesn’t align with where they’re headed in the future.

The reality is, you’ve got to consider both perspectives before making that decision, otherwise you could end up wasting a lot of time.

So how do you make sure you don’t go down the wrong path before you even get started? It boils down to three simple questions, really. When you really dig deep and figure out what your answers to each of them are, it will help steer you in the right direction.

You’ve got to ask yourself…

  • Why?

  • What?

  • Who?

But if you want to know more about why each question is so important in how you identify what you should be writing about, you’re going to have to tune into this episode of The AUTHORity Show to find out.

We’ll dive into each question and what it means, but also why it’s so important you know what your answers are. Because if you want clarity on why your book needs to exist, they’ll help you get it before you ever sit down to start writing.

If you want to save yourself from the horror of getting half way done — or worse yet, even years down the road — and realizing it wasn’t the right book, then you’ve found this episode just in the nick of time.

So sit back and enjoy the show. When you’re done, come find me on Instagram @jessicakillingley and let me know what your biggest takeaways are. And if this episode has inspired you to write a different book than planned, I’d love to know what the right one is.


Why Writing A Book Isn't Just About Writing A Book [Episode 20 Reprint]


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