How do I make any money from my book?

In today’s episode we will talk about how to make money from your book, apart from selling copies.

There's a phrase that says: you make more money by giving away your books than you do by selling it.

There are several ways to make revenue from your book and we will dig into them to help you realise where you want your book to take you.


Here are the highlights from this episode:

{3:50} Why selling books is hard

{4:31} Getting paid to speak

{7:06} A product to turn readers into clients

{8:53} Your book as part of the sales funnel


Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!


What does it *actually* take to write a book


How Do I Make Sure My Book is a Bestseller?