How Do I Make Sure My Book is a Bestseller?

In this episode we are going to be talking about:  


How I can guarantee that my book is going to be a bestseller?

We'll  be focusing on the topic of impact that we introduced in episode 2. Because by saying you want your book to be a bestseller, what you really mean is that you want to make a bigger impact and create change in somebody’s life ...


Here are the highlights from this episode:

{2:42} How to be an Amazon bestseller

{4:51} What being a bestseller in the traditional publishing industry means

{6:50} The importance of reviews

{10:15} Overcome limiting beliefs and get results

{13:57} Turn readers into clients

Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!


How do I make any money from my book?


Help! I finished my first draft ages ago and I've been stuck ever since!