How to uncover your best selling book idea

Most people don’t realize this… 

But it’s 100% possible to write the wrong book. Scary, right? 

Here’s how it happens: writers think they need to write the book their head tells them to rather than the one that’s in their heart.  And so they spend a ton of time wrestling with a book they don’t even like or no longer applies to their business. 

Which means unless your goal is to give your readers a book they can use to prop their laptops up on for a more flattering Zoom call angle, it’s time to get in tune to what you really want to write. Because while it’s your book and you get to decide what goes into it, if you aren’t in love with it no one else will be either. 


So how do you uncover your best-selling book idea?

Well, you’re in luck because that is exactly what I’ll be sharing with you on this episode of The AUTHORity Show. I’ve got a plan of action I use that will help you uncover your book idea, too.


If you liked this episode, check out the episode that talks about what a best-selling book actually means - mentioned in this podcast 


 Here are the highlights from the episode: 


{3:23} What you think you know before you write your book 

{4:38} The easy book to write can still be the wrong book to write 

{5:42} The length of your book is not a selling point 

{7:04} Solving specific problems for your readers 

{7:40) The 3 focusses you need to nail your bestselling book idea 

Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 


How to say I DO to writing a book with Wedding Business Coach Faye Cornhill


How to make sure your book isn't sh*t