How your book gets you off the business hamster wheel

One of the biggest reasons people aren’t on board with writing a book is that they think it’s just another thing to do on top of everything else they’re already doing.

And when each and every day is  filled with ALL the things — finding new leads, coming up with valuable content, showing up on social media AND people’s inboxes — even thinking about adding one task feels like a bloody nightmare.

So before you panic at the sheer thought of it, let me just clear things up a bit: writing your book isn’t just one more damn thing to do.  

It’s actually the thing that can make your job easier in the long run.

Sitting down to write your book forces you to really take a look at what you’re doing.  You tune in to what you love to teach, and who you’re teaching it to. It makes you take a look at your methodology and get really clear on how it’s totally different than the other options out there.

Writing your book also helps you figure out what beliefs your people have that are getting in the way of them working with you, so you can figure out how you can help them shift them so they know working with you becomes a total no-brainer.

Now I know that seems like a lot of work, but here’s the brilliant part:

You only have to do it once. (Unless you want to write more books after that, and by all means, DO THAT).

And when it’s all said and done, you’ll be able to stop running to stand still and will be using your time and energy in a way that best serves your people. You can get off that dreaded hamster wheel and start getting serious momentum in your business.

So tune in to this episode of The AUTHORity Show, where I’ll give you all the goods on how you can do the heavy lifting now and it will ease things up on down the line.

Tune in and then hit me up on Instagram @jessicakillingley and tell me what a-ha hit you upside the head! 


Why You Should Write a Book Even if You're Already Super Successful


How Not To Write The Wrong Book with Dr Kathrine McAleese