Juggling a Book and a Baby with Lauren Malone of The Expecting Entrepreneur

In today’s episode I am thrilled to be talking to one of my brilliant clients,  coach Lauren Malone. Lauren and I started working together in January 2020 on a book that was on a deadline... It HAD to be p ublished by October. (Spoiler: it was). So listen in to find out why, what the book was about, how it fitted into a new part of her coaching business and how she managed to write and publishing a book whilst also growing a business and looking after a tiny baby. 


Here are the highlights from this episode:


{3:13} Introduction to Lauren 

{10:44} The process of writing and the importance of having guidance 

{15:47} How a book can help your business 

{19:02} How to beat impostor syndrome when writing your book 

{25:17} Working with a hybrid publisher 

{30:55} The launch process 

{37:47} Turning readers into clients 

Here are all the places you can connect with Lauren:






and you can get a copy of her book here 

Want some help to get started on your book with me? Then come and check out my Virtual Workshop that's taking place on Saturday 5th December 



Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started!


How to make sure your book isn't sh*t


The five biggest mistakes people are making with their books