How to say I DO to writing a book with Wedding Business Coach Faye Cornhill

So you have this great book idea, but you keep putting it off. Why?

Let me guess…

  • There’s not enough time...

  • You don’t know where to start...

  • Now is not the RIGHT time (2020 and all)...

And the list goes on.

I don’t care how many “reasons” you give me, I’m still going to shoot straight with you — we both know they’re really just excuses.

And the only thing excuses are good for is to help you up your procrastination game.

So how do you kick them to the curb and write the damn book anyway?

That’s exactly what today’s The AUTHORity Show guest Wedding Strategist and Rockstar Writing Academy alumna Faye Cornhill did when she decided against all odds to write her book, “I Do.

When I first talked with Faye about writing a book based on building her wedding business, she had zero desire to even think about writing a book.

With a thriving business and her close-knit Wedding Business Club community to run, she didn’t want to sacrifice time spent on them to write — she’d be starting from scratch after all. And who in their right mind writes a book about building a wedding business during a pandemic? (Great, tell them how to do what they currently can’t do.)

All things considered, writing a book just didn’t make sense.

But when Faye realised there were no books in her area of expertise, she knew writing her own was the perfect opportunity to get her proven strategies into the hands of even more wedding business owners.

It occurred to her she didn’t have to start from scratch after all — she already had the book structure started with the content she shared with her members. And she knew that while 2020 had done a number on the wedding industry, there was value in giving hope to business owners with a plan they can follow in years to come.

With that decision Faye joined my Rockstars Writing Academy in 2019 and became a model student. She did the work (very quietly, I might add), then published her first book in 2020.

Overcoming her doubts and writing her book helped wedding entrepreneurs have a solid plan of action to build their businesses, but during one of the hardest years in the industry, her can-do attitude became a beacon of hope for her community.

She’s a true leader who’s inspired me and I know her story will inspire you, too.

Here are the highlights from today’s episode:
Here are the highlights from today’s episode:

{9:18} How Faye discovered the gap in the market she wrote about
{13:05} How Faye thought the book would impact her business before she wrote it and how it has
{20:54} Being caught in the 'I don't have time' trap
{22:42} How planning for what you want readers to do after they finish the book helps you to write the book
{29:48} How the first draft of your book has to be crap
{31:56} Launching a book during a lockdown
{36:27} The ripple effect after launching your book
{46:13} How your book can create a legacy

[Ways to connect with Faye (noted in episode)]


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