How your book can help you transition from in-person done-for-you to Online Coaching with Indian Wedding Planner & Author Meera Majithia

Do you think you’ve got to have everything just perfect before you write your book?  You know, you’ve got to have everything in place, your business has to be exactly where you want it, and everything needs to work like the most well-oiled machine?

But what if you feel ready to write the book, but don’t have your ducks all in a row (or maybe don’t even have ducks yet)?

It’s simple, really. You write it anyway.

That’s exactly what my The AUTHORity Show guest, Meera Majithia, did when she decided to write her book even though she was on the cusp of a marked pivot in her wedding planning business.  

After 5 years of planning beautiful weddings in person, Meera loved helping brides plan their special day, she just wished she could help more of them. 

But short of teleportation or figuring out how to bend the space-time continuum, she didn’t have the capacity to do it. Instead she decided to take a more digital approach and make the shift to helping brides online.

She could have easily waited until she had fully made that transition, but Meera decided to write the book first. 

Her book, “Planned to Perfection,” became that first domino that pushed all the others into place, helping her to build an online community of support that enabled her to expand her reach to connect with and plan weddings for brides across the globe.

Meera’s decision to write her book from where she wanted to go was the catalyst to reshape her business in a way that exactly matched how she envisioned it.

I know her story will inspire you to see what’s possible when you follow your instincts and give yourself the freedom (and permission) to write the book first. 

Here are the highlights from this episode: 


{4:59} Introduction to Meera and how this year has enabled her to transition to online 

{10:18} The decision to move online and start a membership 

{12:14} How planning the content for the booked helped create the content for the online membership 

{15:31} The book as a funnel to the membership 

{16:39} How Meera combined fiction and non-fiction 

{18:45} Using Trello and other online tools to plan the book content 

{25:07} How Meera plans to use the book to grow her online business 

{32:32} What the process of being published is like 

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Planned to Perfection: Buy the book 

Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 


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