Why You’re Ready To Write Your Book Before You Think You Are with Executive Performance Coach Caroline Rae

One of the biggest mistakes business owners make is waiting to write their book (shocker, I know.). They’ll think, “Well, let me run my group program a few times” or “once I’ve gotten a good bit of one-on-one coaching clients built up, I will know what to write.”  

The problem with that method is that you miss out on the brilliance that comes with using your book as a central piece that helps put all of the rest of it together.

Not so for Caroline Rae.

Caroline is an executive performance coach who works with clients who are feeling burned-out, stuck, or frustrated in their careers. She helps them get tuned-in to their purpose, get clear on their values and strengths, and how all of that directs their career life.  Her own experience has helped her to be a brilliant coach to come alongside her clients and help them break through their struggles.

Caroline works with clients one-on-one, in her Impossible to Ignore group coaching program, and also offers VIP Days with her clients.

One thing (of many!) I find incredibly special about Caroline is that she didn’t follow the crowd in the thinking that her book should come later.  

She recognized making it a central piece of her business strategy would allow it to flow into everything else she does, like her one-on-one coaching, group program, and even the content she shares on social media.

Caroline is currently in the thick of writing her book, right alongside developing her methodology for her individual coaching and her group coaching program, too.  Pure genius, I tell you.

Her willingness to take that leap is exactly why I was so excited to interview her on this episode of The AUTHORity Show.  Well, that and because she’s truly amazing.

Want to know more about the impact not waiting to write her book had on her business as a whole? 

Well, why don’t you give this episode a listen and find out.

When you’re done, come on over to Instagram @jessicakillingley and share with me how diving right into writing your book could change the course of your business, too.

Want to connect with Caroline? You can find her here:




{3:26} Introduction to Caroline 

{7:09} Moving from 1:1 to 1 to many 

{11:29} How Caroline decided when to start writing her book 

{16:15} How Caroline's group programme helped to test the content of the book 

{17:52} How not to cannibalise what's in the book or your online course 

{20:29} What you want to write about versus what the problem is your ideal client wants to solve 

{21:31} How your book can fit into your sales funnel 

{24:43} Identifying as a thought leader, or not? 

{26:45} Getting past imposter syndrome when writing your book 

{30:03} All about the Impossible to Ignore group programme 


Get on the waiting list for my upcoming step by step program, The Authority Blueprint HERE 


Are you ready to finally stop wasting time and write the damn book? Then make sure you head on over here to grab my FREE mini training to get your started! 


How Not To Write The Wrong Book with Dr Kathrine McAleese


Your book isn't just an asset. It's a strategy