Lauren Malone

I always say there is no greater example of manifestation than writing a book. Thoughts, quite literally, become things. Your dreams become reality. Your expertise becomes a lifeline for someone.


It’s not unusual for people to come to me because they want to write the book that they needed once upon a time, when that book didn’t exist.  That’s what Lauren did. 

Her decision to start her business coincided with her becoming pregnant. Everything out there told her she was mad to even try. She believed in her bones that it was possible. Not easy, but possible.

She knew she could do it, because she knew she had the tools. And then she knew she could teach those tools to other women. And so the book was conceived, and then facebook group, the membership, the coaching offers.

It’s not just a book that has been born. It’s a brand. A movement. A community. A space for someone to know that crazy idea they want to embark on is possible - because look! Here is proof it can be done!

Think YOU don’t have time to write a book? Look! Here is proof that a book can be written, iIn well under a year,  with a tiny baby! During a global pandemic! So I get the honour of helping Lauren turn her dream into reality and birth the book that will nurture the business. 

There’s loads of magic in what Lauren did to get the book done.  And when I say magic, I mean ordinary magic. The ordinary kind of magic that everyone can do if they put their mind to it. ⁠ The magic that’s found in self belief, commitment, focus. That kind of magic. ⁠

⁠But the real magic lies in what she did after the book came out. ⁠ Which is: paid attention to what she needed to do to make the book work hard for her. Created a PR strategy. Sent it out for review. Didn’t listen to a voice in her head that said “I can’t possibly send it to BBC Radio, why on earth would they want to talk to me?”⁠ And the result of that was being invited on to her local BBC Radio station. Which is nice. ⁠ Good coverage, excellent logo for her creds. ⁠But that’s not actually the only point of it all. ⁠Because that spot on the radio led to another one. And then another one. ⁠ And just like that, because once upon a time she sent her book in, she’s become a Resident Mindset Expert for the BBC.⁠

⁠When I tell you that your book is a platinum business card that opens doors, can we all agree that I’m not making this shit up? 

You know when things just click in to place and they’re right? I am only half way through module 1 and that’s what has happened! Already!!!! After speaking to Jessica originally I knew she knew she knew her stuff. Now, after signing up, starting the material, I know I have made the right decision. Big things are going to happen this year…for me, my book and my business!

Lauren Malone

At some point you might have really really needed a book on a subject, only to find it didn’t exist. I would take that as a sign that you need to write it. Which is precisely what Lauren did! Listen to her story here.


"A beautiful book. I couldn't put it down."


"Amazing book, truly inspiring!"